Columbia Library columns (v.42(1992Nov-1993May))

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  v.42,no.1(1992:Nov): Page 36  

36                                   Kenneth A. Lohf

Dames gift. Mr. Ralph J. Dames has donated a set, complete in nine¬
teen annual volumes, of William Frend's Evening Amusements; or.
The Beauty of the Heavens Displayed, published in London,
1806-1822. A reformer and scientific writer, Frend published the
annual series of astronomical observations of the motions of the
moon and planets while actively engaged in the formation of the
Rock Life Assurance Company and serving as its actuary.

Dewey gift. Professor Emeritus Donald Dewey has presented the fol¬
lowing three books notable for their importance in the history of
economics: Charles Davenant, An Essay upon the Probable Methods
of Making a People Gainers in the Ballance of Trade, London, 1700,
bound with the author's An Essay upon Ways and Means of Supply¬
ing the War, London, 1701; John Maynard Keynes, The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, London, 1919, inscribed by the author to
Clive Bell; and T Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Popu¬
lation, London, 1807, two volumes in original boards.

Dorfman gift. A group of approximately seven hundred letters,
manuscripts, notes, and printed materials has been added to the
papers of Professor Joseph Dorfman in a recent gift received from
his widow. Pertaining primarily to economists John Bates Clark,
Wesley Clair Mitchell, and Thorstein Veblen, the gift includes let¬
ters from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harlan Fiske Stone, William
Howard Taft, and Ida M. Tarbell, among others.

Fuldgift. The Honorable Stanley H. Fuld (LL.B., 1926; LL.D.,
1959), chief judge of the State of New York and Court of Appeals,
1967-1973, has donated, for inclusion in the collection of his
papers, three volumes containing approximately 150 pieces of cor¬
respondence and other items, dating primarily from the early 1970s
to 1991 and relating largely to his career, after his service on the
Court of Appeals, as special counsel to the law firm of Kaye, Scho-
ler, Fierman, Hays & Handler.
  v.42,no.1(1992:Nov): Page 36