Our Growing Collections
Barnouw gift. Professor Emeritus Erik Barnouw has donated for
inclusion in his papers more than 250 items, primarily correspon¬
dence dating from the 1920s to 1989, relating to his career in the
School of Dramatic Arts at Columbia and in radio, television, and
film. Among the correspondents are Pearl Buck, Norman Corwin,
Paddy Chayefsky, Frances Flaherty, Paul Horgan, Akira Iwasaki,
S. Krishnaswamy, Pare Lorentz, Bernard Malamud, Satyajit Ray,
Mrs. Paul Robeson, and Virgil Thomson, as well as many other
writers and executives of the broadcast industry.
Becksongift. Mr. Kari E. Beckson (A.M., 1952; Ph.D., 1959) has
donated to the Libraries a collection of forty-seven books and pam¬
phlets of English literature, dating from the 1890s to 1990. Among
the books in his gift are: three inscribed by Arthur Symons, Amoris
Victima, 1940, London: A Book of Aspects, 1909, and Cities and Sea
Coast Islands; and two from the library of Martin Seeker by Owen
Seaman, The Battle of the Bays, W 9 6, !i.nd In Cap & Bells, 1900.Also
included in the gift is John Guille Millais's biography of his father.
The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais, 1905, inscribed by
Ada Leverson to Ernest Leverson, and a volume of The Pageant,
1897, which has contributions by Austin Dobson, Laurence Hous-
man. Max Beerbohm, Ernest Dowson, and Lionel Johnson, and art
by Gustav Moreau, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones,
Walter Crane, Charles Ricketts, and Lucien Pissarro.
Blaugift. Mr. Raphael David Blau (A.B., 193 3; A.M., 1938 TC.)
has presented a copy of a poetry examination, "Exercises in Judging
Poetry" by Allan Abbott and M. R. Trabue, that was completed by
Richard L. Simon on May 9, 1920, while Simon was still a student
at Columbia. Mr. Blau's gift is accompanied by his 1991 letter to
Columbia Magazine telling the story of his discovery of the exam in
1939 and Simon's June 9, 1939, letter to Blau regarding his mem¬
ory of the examination.