Columbia Library columns (v.44(1995))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.44,no.2(1995:Autumn): Page [No Page Number]  

The Friends of the Columbia Libraries



_he Friends assist the Columbia Libraries in several

direct ways: first, through their active interest in the institution and its ideals and through pro¬
moting ptiblic interest in the role of a research library; second, through gifts of books, manu¬
scripts, and other useful materials; and third, through financial contributions.

By helping preserve the intellectual accomplishment of the past, we lay the foundation for the
university of the future. This is the primary purpose of the Friends of the Columbia Libraries.

Contribution Levels

Contribution: $l-$99

Benefits: Books & Bytes, the newsletter of the Columbia
University Libraries; special invitations to exhibitions
and receptions.

#■ Frii.xds


Benefits: Same as above, plus a subscription to Columbia

Library Columns, an illustrated journal published by

the Friends, and temporary reading privileges.

# Fellows

Contibution: $500-$999

Benefits:   Same   as   above,   plus   consultations   with

Columbia University's  librarians  upon request,  and

Libraries' Occasional Publications.

%  SuSlVVlNlNf: Fti-LOWS

Contribution: $l,000-$4,999

Is: Same as above, plus reading privileges.*

Contribution: $5,000-$9,999

Benefits: Same as above, plus personal tours

of the Libraries upon request.

Contribution: $10,000 and above

Benefits: Same as above, plus borrowing privileges.*

*Reading and borrowing privileges, if taken, reduce the tax
deductibility of your gift. For Sustaining Fellows and Patrons
who choose reading privileges, the tax deductible portion of
the gift is reduced by $660; for University Librarian's Circle
contributors who choose borrowing privileges, the deduct¬
ible portion of the gift is reduced by $1,200.
  v.44,no.2(1995:Autumn): Page [No Page Number]