Real estate record and builders' guide (v.33no.825(Jan. 5 1884)-no.850(June 28 1884))

([Brooklyn, N.Y.] :  C.W. Sweet & Co.,  1868-1884.)



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  v. 33, no. 837: Page 332  


The Real Estate Record

March 29,1884

„ Walsh, WiUiam     I Samuel Guggen-

■^ Walsh, Joseph J,   f    heim.........       556 60

25 Wtst. John—J. D. Cox ............       484 43

25  Willigschlager,  Jochan   B.—H.  G.

Fjsk........................costs          79 37

26  Wood, Whitney—W. H. Mills......        145 00

26 Weber, Albert—August Kohn......       303 3:^

26 Weeks, Benjamin—Hans Lumbye.. 567 49
26 Walsh. Maurice J.—George Mark . 2,339 '69
37 Wbitelaw,    Alexander   L. — John

Simmons.........................        121 97

37 Weber, Louise—Sigmund Cohen___       266 83

37 Waddingham,      Wilson — Charles

Stryker..........................     2,294 04

37  Wagler,   WiUiam — John   Haiden-

reich.............................        130 40

38  Weber, Mirtba—J, B. Woodward,

trustee. &c.......................     4,490 57

28 Walah, Mary—Theresa Cohn.......          67 60

28 Wells,  Joseph,  pltff.— Connecticut

Mutual Life Ins. Co..............        131 80

28 Westheimer,  Henry—German Ex¬
change Bank.....................    6,811 22

no Wilcox, Augustus8. I  Piunkett

^ Wilcox, Edward C.   j    Mfg, Co...    1,761 58,

28          the   same------Plunkett   Woolen

Co..............................     1,118 87

no White, Kate E,      (Catharine

^° Warren, Susan E, f    Neunder.....       431 S3



21 Amschel, Jobn—M, Guillot........       $249 89

31 Jilexander, James—E, T. Tefft_____        204 11

31         the same------B. Gutwillig.......        353 95

2i> Alexander. James—Bates Sc Cooley        359 37

1:6         the same------Bawo & Potter____        519 23

27 Austin, Tbomas P.—E. Booth......     3,667 69

21 Blackman,    Monroe   E. — W.    H.

SchiffdUn........................          35 19

35  Bates, Andrew J. and Jerome E.—

P. Laurea........    ..............        346 93

26 Balcom, Louisa T.—W. H, Doty....     2,17b 33

26   Brocker. Charles—C. Oberley......        208 44

27   Bauer, Ernest—R. Hayes..........         160 02

21  Chipnian, WilUam W.—H. N. Shep¬

ard.............................         133 35

31 Coventry,   Edwin   E.—C.   E.   Mc¬
Bride.............................   10,181 57

22  Chambers, Henry P. S., survivor of

Geo. T.Chambers, &c.—Brooklyn

Improvement Co.................     2,577 70

23  Chamberlin, Charles—R. C. Westly          56 94

24  Conant. Hermon-J, B. Conant.....     5.010 69

25  ConoUy, Mary—T. McGivney......       '4f)3 69

25  Crossett, Sarah S.—F. W. Watkin.          23 37

26  Chapman, Elizabeth-W. Wiisou...          74 78

26  Carlin, Michael—Olena &; Craig ...        293 04

27  Carroll, Michael—NewYork Ferry

Co..............................,        167 77

24 Dreher, John—E. Ketcham........        120 18

24  Dieckman,   Helmuth—Commission¬

ers of Charities, &c.............        333 44

36  Devendorf, Andrew-Olena & Craig        359 93

37  Donlon,    Andrew,   as     adrar.     of

Bridget Nolan, dee'd—Longlsland

RaU Road Co....................          9S 85

27 Dupin, Henri—Julia Lang, extrx..        381 58

2t Gn:ce, WiUiam H,—D. O'tirien____          79 3-1

33  Granger, George M.—G. E. Maltby        283 18
22 Glass, Tbomas   H.—L. L. Steiuicz.        168 43

2i Gilroy, Owen H,—P. Smith.......          78 54

26 Hazard, William J. -Nat.   Citizens

Bank, N. Y.....................=        303 71

26 Huhbard, Henry J.—N, Tebbetts...        147 81

26 Harvey, Francis J.—J. H. Sberling.          45 57

36  Hill, Arthur G.,  impld.—Leura L.

Cochran..........................     1.016 28

26         tbesame------Agues Cochran____        991 28

31 Johnson,   Edward M,—C.   E.   Mc¬
Bride.........................    10,181,57

34  Jaffe, Alfred S.—J. M. Aguero.....        360 80

25  Jackson, Jobn J.—A. Hinsman.....        14-i 07

25  Jones, Benjamin H.—J. P. Becker..          79 61
21 Kieroan, James—H, D. Babcock,.,        115 96

26  Keating, Jarrett—T. Murpby......        863 32

37  Katt, Barthold W.—J. F.  Heissen-

buttle.........................          89 19

21 Long Island City—G. Covert.......         166 33

31 Lawson, John—Wheeler & Wilson

M'f'g Co..........................          93 94

24 Lewis, David—J, M. Torpie.......     2,296 61

37 Lockwood, John—L. W. Clark......          46 06

21 Miris, Norah U.—Pannie W, Oakey.        481 CO

24 Moritz, George—G. S. Smith.......        174 00

24  Martin, Robert G.—G. L, Van Hoe¬

sen..............................        166 63

37 Mordough, Edward F,—T. E. Quinn          IS 55

33 Nicholas, Joseph W.—J. A, Crosby.          46 68
37 Nolan   (admr.   of),   Bridget—Long

Island Rail Road Co..............          98 85

25  Page, Enoch W. and Lyman E,, not

summoned—Wakefield Rattan Co        294 SO

27  Paepke, Mag :aleua—S. Bender____          89 62

33  Roseuitein, VVilliam, Sec, of Rosen-

stein Sc Co.—National City Bank,

Brooklyn.........................     3,324 02

24 Rood, Elmendorf—A. R, Baldwin..        853 65

34  Remington,  Flora A.  and Carver,

admrs. of S.   Remington—J.   M.

Torpie............................     3,395 61

26  Relyea, Prank-J. J. Burton.......        457 90

27  R'igan, Bridget—M, Heraghty......          53 25

33  Stern,   Moriiz  and   Wiliiam—Nat.

City Bank, Brooklyu...........     3,334 03

34  Sharp, Thomas R,—MaryMcGough,

admrx............................        108 35

24  Sals, Conrad—Cath. Salg...........          SO 00

25  Sipp, Cbristopher—G. L. Hardy____        379 10

33 Schwalbach, Alexander—D. R Hor¬
ton...............................          50 82

26  Styles, John E,—Agnes Cochran...,        991 38
se        the same------Laura L. Cochran..     1,016 38

26  Stern, Edith M., otherwise Blanche

—J, Stern, hy H. Stern, guard....

37 Schoener, William L.~C. G. Patter¬

31 The Long Island City—G. Covert...

23  The Church of the Mediator—E. G.


27  The New YorkExtracting and Pert.

Co.—Brooklyn ImprovementCo.,

33  The N. Y,, Lake Erio Se Western

R R,—W, Cooper, admrx.......

22 The Gold and Stock Telegraph Co.—
P. and A. Friedman..............

24  The recvr. of L. I. R, R. Co.—Mary

McGough, admrx................

24  The Brooklyn City R. R. Co.—G. A.


34  The admrs. of S. Remington—J. M.


25  Traum, Samuel—W. T. Blanck.....

26  The American S. S. Co.—A. Gu!>staf

27  The admr. of Bridget  Nolan—Long

Island Rail Road Co..............

27 The Torrey Automatic Brake Co.
—W, M. Lendrum................

26  Valentine, Joseph C—Olena & Craig

27  Van    Buskirk,    Edgar   B,—G.   0.

S^ijeet ...........................

21 Wiiffer, Catharine C—J. Q. A. But¬

33   Wilson, Stacy—A, B. Moore........

34  Wood, John—D. H, Way..........

24  Wood, Loftis—Broadway R. R, Co.,


84 Wichmann,   Sophia and Peter—C.

25   Walker, George T.—Margt. O'Brien
38 Wilson. Stacy—Nat. Citizens Bank,

City N.Y........................

65 93

285 19
166 S3

175 37

2,577 70

131 33

180 97

108 35

3,761 64

3,296 61
6-^6 36

634 87

98 85

27 84
197 95

267 25

118 46
123 74
281 57

261 73

26 23
473 00

303 71



March 22 to 18—inclusive.
Asten, Thomas B., Frasident Board of Tax

CoramlBMOners—J. M  Lvddy.    (ISS4) ...     $433 59

Anderson, John J.—Tho Madison Club, t'84).       li;4 iS
Bancroft, John S.—William Callahan    (by

W, J. Callahan, exr.).    (l8Sl).........           3,397 EB

Brown, Jamea B.—E. A. B. Dajton, asBlRnee

F.A.Jonea.   (1383)....................    8,198 59

K^:wj||l:S^:h-B. Edgar.  (188.),,.         m 2^

§Bet.', Johfi F—Sigismund Schwab.   (ISSa).       9Sfi 98

JUrcwsler, Juho L.—.Michael Lennon,   ('84).         607 67
lionz»no, Adolphus I Heury Warn. admr.  L,

Clarke. Thomaa i;. f    Warn,   OSil)........    2,415 27

SCoUiDS, Joha-Sarah J. Collios.    (IfSSl.....       Cll) 34

Clifford,   Henry — Amelia  Schwabediasen.

(1NB4)    .............................       3S6 CO

Dunham. Henry R.—W. H. Luysier.   (1834).         7,S 00

Darre, William P.—Q  C. Flint.    (1864)        ...       489 B8

Da Lsyer, Anthony—F. A. Hemmer,    (1875).         92 98

Same------same.   (I8T4).....................       410 10

Edson, Franklin, Mayor, Ac—J. M. Lyddy.

(1884)..............................       433 59

gElias, Henry—Sigismund Schwab.   (1883)..       986 D6

Fullan, Patrick—John Hooper.    (1875).......       919 59

Faile. Charles V.—Mary E, Pomroy,   (1883),    9,819 85

Same-----Ann E. Brown.   (1883)..........  4U,Gn6 82

Eame-----same,   (188.^)..................   10,353 H

Same-----Emma S. Paiie.   (158J)...........  30,2-^38

Sftiije-----same.   (1883) .....................  £7,123 51

tame-----Nat. Eich Bank.   (IBSl)   ......   10,218 23

Same-----Merchants' Nat. Bank, Baltimore.

(I88i)     ..............................   25,348 25

Same-----Manufacturers' Nat. Rank.   ('SS),    5,143 20

Grand, S Hastings, Comptroller, &c.—J. M,

Lyady.   (1884)...........................       432.^9

Gayton, tiolomon—John Hooper.   (18T5)  .. ,       919 59

Gibbons, Maria E,—R. E   Maculffe.    (1882)..       159 75

QaRp, Samuel H.—W. H. Story.   (18f3),     ...     1,850 81
GriliSu, John—Henry Warn. admr. L. Warn.

(IBSl) ...................................    2,415 27

Qwynne, Richard—James Evers.rd.    (1834)..       211 83

Hagar Henry A—D, C. Hilleck.   (1880).....        27 55

Harvey, Rjcbftrd A. ~ Charlea O'Neill (by

O. J. Wella, assignee).   (1880)        _______       952 38

Husson,   Joseph—Catherine  M.   Raymond.

(1883}.....................................     3,250 00

Hart, Noah E.—A. S, Sear.   (1884).........         66 90

Hall, Samuel L—W, H. Appleton.   (18;8).,.    2,?,:.? 34

Same-----same.   (1879)....................         95)5

HernsteiQ,    Albert     L,—Isidor    Seliemao.

{i8S4)  ...................................         Bl 87

Same-----same,   (ISWI....................       261 6:J

•Jacobs, Frederick—The People of N. Y.

State,    (1883).......     .   .,..............       100 00

Jung, Phihplna—Peter Lang,   (1883).........        ]95 91

Same-----same,   (I8B3)       ...............          2i~ eu

Keenan, Johu—David Kaufmau.   (1883) .....       402 34

Kaplan. David M,        ( Neiv York Steam Co.

KiiuUowHein, Albert f    (1884)............       103 84

*Klinkow8teia.   Albert — Julius    Freiherer.

(189LI)..................................T.       25805

Ladd, Ellen—Daniel Messmore.   (1884)......       375 3?

Lpvy. Frederick H.—A. S. Sear.   (1884).....         80 90

Lersctier,   John—Max   Haefner,   admr.   J.

Haefner.   (IBS2)   ...................     1,753 26

Lfonard, John C —Hugo Josephy.    (1883)...         91 (5
tLaimbeer,    William     E, — The    Jonson

Foundrr and Machine Co.   (1884).......         769 39

Woore, John F.—James Everard.   (i884).....       211 Hi

Minard, James B.—Mary  Cook  (by  U. W.

.Bolles, nssignee).   (1877).............         C I b7

Mcngia, Morria C- wlarah FredericJi.s.  (187(<)        iJ 75

Muir, Josiah !■'.-JamesDamerv.   U834).....       n;tl 20

Meyer, Frederick—W, M. Verplanck.   (1878)       334 01

North, Charles H,—Theodore Bmith.   (1834).       875 31
•Ochse, John—Tho People of N, Y.  State.

<ieb3j............................       IGO 00

O'Gorman. Wiiliam-J, M. Griggs.   (1877)...       160 89

•S,BinSmin\t   John Stabler,   (1884).  28.731 20

Post. Gabriel S.—J. H. Wonderly.   (1884)..,.       WB 73
Richardson, Henry W.    I     James Evera rd.

Uoarke,Joho                   f       (issi)..........       2n gg

Reaves,   David — Henry  Warn,  admr.    L.

Wa,-n.    (1884).............................    3,415 37

Radick, John-H. B. Kirk.    (1883)............       iij7 aa

Roberts, Lovrls-IrviuK Nat'l Wank.   (1870).,     2,'J21 35

RIohardBon, Haynes-C. A. MlUer.   (1877),..     1,180 15
Reilly, John, Pres't Board of Aldermen—J

M, Lyddy.   (;884).....

S.-hn, William, Jr.—W, J. Holmes.   (187;).!!
BLhmerstthl,; John    Q.   C—A,   L. Rogers,

awigaw EtLlosley.   (1877)..............

482 69
43 97

l,aBQ 4C

I^SSJ[^:Kk'''*}»-'^M»cheIl,   (1883),

Schoennagel,   Frederick — GeorRe  Ehret.


Shaffer, Jncob-J. R. Waddy.   (1876)........

Schmitt.   Margaret   and   Irank — Charles

Frazier (by llarry Overingtou, assigQee.)

(188:i)  ................................

Smilh, Erastus A,—Julius Everard.   (1884)..

Scott. Harriet L —J. H. Gregory.   {18o3).....

Same-----same.   (18831, ................

Saylor, Milton—The Madison Club.   (1884p..
Shelby Iron Co,—W. C. Browning, exr, J. H.

Browning.    (I83i).......................

Rame—A. E. Wfst,   (IS83)................

Skilton, S. Henry—Theodore Smith.    (1884) .
Toube. Solomon—buller Hard Rubber Co,

(1884) ...............................

Toube, Solomon—Butler Hard Rubber Co.


♦Tone. Thonias—J. A. Deering.    (187,').......

Union Ferry Oo. of Krooklyn—Hannah II,

Konhrup, admrx. B. L. Northrup, (1834)
SWyckoff, Jacob F.—D. J, Noyes.   (188^) ...

Wood, Abram—H. K. Thurber    (187a).......

Work, George P.—John Patterson.   (1S83)...

176 21

715 83

367 64

273 49
211 82
102 92
80 45
577 72

!9,6P8 60

]!,47d M

375 21

83B 80

838 10
S70 80

500 DO

l,7tO 24

1:^6 49

159 HD

March 22 to 38—inclugivo.

Ahrena, Henry—Mary E. Selmer.    (188^)___     Sl91 21

Brooklyn Gitj R. R, Co.—G, A. Hyde   (1884)    2,101 54
Claaaen.   Mary,   impld.,   &c — A.   Claaaen,

assignee,   (itiK4)........................         67 87

Curran, John—J. Gieeson,   (1883)...........       168 33

Same-----aame.   (1883)..................       185 81

Cropsey.   Andrew  V. — G.  W.  Van  Cleaf.

„U874)...........     .......................         6687

Same-----aame.   (1874).....................       175 M

yame-----aame.   (1879)...................       138 47

Elmeudorf, David K.    )    W. B. Hotchkiss.

Aut.inelte, M.               f       (1882). .........    8,17171

Faile, Charles  7.—Caroline  F,   Anderaon,

assignee.   (1883)......................    6,148 20

Fuller, .-^tepnen E.—E. R. Root.   (1876)......     1,0B8 S6

Goin, Esteiia P,—J. K. Smith, assignee. {'77)       769 IS

Hausen, George—M. Loshilz.   <1879>.......         363 31

Harvey, Kichard A.—U. O'Neill.   (1B80)......       B52 S8

Hamblen,    Andrew    H.—Bridget    Walsh.

admrx.   { 8i4l...........................       208 8)

K«mp, Airred—The Bigelow Blue Stone Co.,

a3--ignee,   (1874) ........................       839 60

Korfmsu, John—F. Raas,(l8ii4,) (Execuiion)        46 11

Kreichmer, Juliua—T; H. tierds.   (1871)___       114 82

Ladd, Ellen—D. Messmsre.    (1884).,..                  373 87
Rattenbury, Sarah and John—C. Lockwood.

(1HB3)....................................       4034T

Ratienhury, Saraband John—W, H. Owen,

(1S83)...............................        TSH

Same— A.Cornell.   (18!!3)................       8i0 41

Same — J. A. Tweedy.    (ILSS).............       233 24

The Trustees for Sarah Alygatt. under will ot

Jacob A, Robinson—L, M  Howell.   ("83).         07 9ii



22 Bowery, Nos. 191, -gj and 194, a w cor
Spring fit, 58x95i36r—to Bowery, Louia
Kramer agt William C, Rath, Jr.. debtor,
Marks Arnheim, lessee, the Sylvester
Brush estate, reputed owuer.^i...........J4flo 00

32 Oue Hundred and Seventeenth st. n s. 250 e
2d av. 25 front. John Allen agt Charlea
W, Twigg................................    SM B7

22 Mott st, Nos, 108 and 110, e s, 43.2 s Hester
St. 0tjx50. Jacob Miller agt Elizabeth
Kar>e. debtor aud 0"uer...............   343 50

25 One Huudred and Nineteenth St. s s, 215 e
4th av, 25 front. The A. Hail Terra Cotta
Co. agt Ricbiird Rosenstock, contractor.
Flora Sawytr. owner.................     ...     41 oO

36 Sixth av, w s, cor Greenwich av and Weit
lUth st, the Jefferson Market, The A,
HaU Terra Cotta Go. aet Patrick K. Hor¬
gan, contractor, the City of New York
owner...................................    7T6 00

IK Siity-third st, n s, aht 100 w 4th av. abt J26
fronl. Sophia WesLtirmayr agt William
H. Brow ning..............................    780 00

25  Twenty-sixth st, s s.  175 e Oth av, aix98 0.

Geo. Frothingliame & Son agt ihe estate
of .Tames Skehan, dec'd, and estate of
Mary J. Skehau, dec'd, owners .........    115 00

26  Sixty-eighth at,  n s.  '2.j w llth av. 75x100.

Jobn Shannon agt Edwin M. Wadsworth.    693 42

28 Seventh   av,   s    w cor 120tii  st,  22x63.9.       T^

Charles Gerhardt agt Charles Aman......    13a (S

28 Oue Hundred and Seventeeoth st, us, 250 e

ad av, 25 z 1^ block. Ephraim C, Gates agt

Eugene T, Twigg..........................    101 88

aiNSb   t'J'iHTT.


25 Evergreen ov, s e cor Grove st, "5x97.3, S,
Hall agt Ottolier Scbiebly. owner, and
Henry Schieble..........................    $52 84

27 Hooper st, n s. 130 e Bedford av, 3 ;ilO0.
Saxtan Sl Howell agt J. F. Hoeft, owner,
Slc ......................................   2S000

23 Greene av, Nos. 493 to 504, se cor Nostrand
av, 154s80. Wiliiam T.Taylor agt J. VV.
Dearing, owner, aud Thomas Costello....   136 96


SlTISFlSi::)   MtXIiAKIt::)' LIENS.


22tMott st, No. 123, e a.   Louis Weinberg ag»

E Sire&Son.  (Oct, 5, ■|8t8)...............9116 16

S6 One Hundred and Thirty-secoad at, n s,
325 w 6th av. Edward Healy agt James
Barret.   iJan.23, 18S4) .................     6148

2S One Hundred and Twenty-fifth s', n s. S85 e
6th av, 125x100. Dunn & Lyons agt Lucre¬
tia V. and Wallsce P. Birdsall, (Dec. 28,
1883)...............................       .,  1,340 00

26tMott,st, No. 138, es,het Grand and Hester
Bts. James Ford agt Miles Carter, Jr.,
contractor; Henry Sire, reputed owner.
(Sept, 24, S888)........................     10 BO

aetThird av, 8 e cor 99th st. TSslfO. Miles Red-
dick agt Frederick B, Conklio, sub-con¬
tractor; Charles Valentine, contractor,
and Edward Roberls, owner. (Sept, 20,
1088)...................................     tiSl

96tSame proverty.   Thomas Kirby agt same.

(Sept. 30,1888).............................     68 08
  v. 33, no. 837: Page 332