Real estate record and builders' guide (v.46no.1164(July 5 1890)-no.1189(Dec. 27 1890))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 46, [no. 1180], suppl.: Page 53  


Record   and   Guide.


Same property, to Mary V. W. Church. ML
$18,.5tiO.   June 13,1890.                               26,000

12th st. No. 38 W., 20.11x103.3, foor-story
stone front dweU'g, to Margaret A. wife of
John C. Morgan. Re-recoi^ed. Aft $8,000.
AprU 1,1864.                                                15,500

Same property, to Wallace Stuart.   AprU 23.


121*1 st. No. 40 W., 20.11x103.3, four-story stone
front dweU'g, to John Laden. Aft. $10,000.
Oct 23, 1889.                                                26,000

12th st, Na 54 W., 194xl03.3x irreg., tbree-
story brk dwell'g, to Georgs W. Wickersbam.
Aft. $12,000.   June 13, 1890.                        32,000

12tb st, Nos. 65-69 W., 50x103.3, new flat pro¬
jected, to William Broadbelt. Afe. $:J5,000.
July 19,1889.                                                .50,000

Same property, with completed flve-storv stone
front flat, to Willtam V. Studdiford, Brook¬
lyn.   Aft. $80,000.   June 19,1890.                 nom

Same property. William V. Studdiford,
Brooklyn, to WUliam R. Martin. Aft. $UI5,-
000.   June 19. 1890.                                        nom

IStb st. No. 14 E., 23x87.2x22.8x92.9, tbree-story
brk store and dweU'g, to John P. Meyer
Apnl 1.5,1890.                                               35.000

13th st. No. 24 E., 22x irreg., tbree-story brk
dwell'g, to Sopbia E. Murtha. April 25, 1890.


13th st. No. 26 E. \ begins 13tb st, s s, 339.6 e 5(b

12tb st. No. 17 E j av, runs south .54 x west
4.8 X soutb 150.10 to 12tb st, x east 25 x nortb
150.10X east3.10 xnorth 45.8 to 13tb st, x
west 26.9, two-story brk store witb two-story
brk rear stable on 13tb st, and four-story brk
flat on 13th st, to Michael Curley. Foreclos.
June 3.5.18t»0.                                                65,000

13th st. No. 26 E , s s, 3^.6 e Stb av, 26.9x u-reg.,
two-story brk store and dweU'g witb two¬
story brk stable on rear, to Gkittlieb Gennert.
JiUy 10,1890.                                                27,300

13tb st, n 8,125 e 6tb av, 75x103.3, four-story
brk huilding. New York JuvenUe Asylum
to Natban Straus.   Oct 28,1889.             150,000

131 h st, Nos. 30 and 32 W., runs south 140.5 x
ea^t 3.5 x soutb 21.1 x southeast 2.6 x north¬
east 13.1 X north 6.9 x east 32.4 x north 153.9
to 13th st, X west 50.1, six-story brk store, to
The New York Improved Real Estate Co
Aft $90,000.    May 21,1890.                       170,000

Soutb 5tb av. No. 51, e s, abt 100 s Bleecker st,
25x100, two-story frame (brk filled) building
with flve-story brk tenem'i on rear, to Trustees
of tbe Leake and Watte Orphan .Asylum.
Foreclos.   June 39, 1878.                              15,000

Same property, to Robert L. Fowler. April
15,1890.                                                         33,500

Same property, to Louis V. Bright. C. a. G.
Aft $14,000.   April 19,18W'.                          nom

Same property, to JuUa G. wife of Robert L.
Fowler. C. a. G. Aft. $14,000. April 19,1890.


South 5lb av. No. 54, 25x75, one-story lumber
sbed, to Richard Hennessy.   Nov. 14, 1889.


Same property, to Hubbard H. Upham, Jobn
Tully aud Louis I. Haber. Aft $9,000. May
20,1890.                                                          18,000

Soutb 5tb av. No. 65, ses, 100n e Houston st,
24x100, pne-story frame building, to Isidore
S. Kom.   Dec. 2,1889.                                   nom

Same property, to Nataii, Luigi. Giuseppe and
Stefirano Cavinato. Aft. $13,000. AprU 5,
1890.                                      other consid. and 100

South .5th av. No. 101, 25x100, flve-story brk
store and tenem't, to Andrea Lertora. Feb.
24,1890.                                                         34,250

South Stb av. No. 137, 25x100, four-story brk
factory, to James M. Fitzgerald. B. & S.
July 17, 1890.                                                   nom

Soutb Stb av. No. 1.58, 25x75. flve-story brk
factory, to Samuel Louis. Aft. $18 000. June
10, 1890.                                                         30,500

Soutb .5tb av, Nos. 239 and 241,38.6xl00x u-reg.,
two four-story brk stores and tenem'ts. Wm.
K. Webb et al. to Ascher Weinstein and ano.
4-5 part.    Mar. 3, 1890.                               27,040

Same property. Geo. C. Webb to same. 1-5
part.   B. Sc K.   Mar. 3,1890.                        nom

Same property. Wm. S. Webb aud ano. tms¬
tees to same.   1-5 part.   Mar. 3,1890.        6,760

Same prt^rty. WUliam 8. and Henry W.
Webb, individ. and trustees Laura V.
Webb dec'd, George C, Fraucis E. and
Jacob L. Webb to same. B. & S. Correc¬
tion deed.   AprU 7,1890.                               nom

Soutb Sth av. Amity pl or Laurens st. w s,
abt 22311 Bleeckerst, runs west 100 x north
2.10 X west 15 X north 19 x east 115 to Amity
pl, X south 21.10, one and three-story brk
factory building.

Amity pi, w s, abt 243.10 n Bleecker st, 21.6

Amity pl, w s, abt 2J0 n Bleecker st, 22x100. j
Nos. 30-34 South Sth av, five-story brk fac¬

Cherry st \ begins Cherry st, n s. 175 w Cor- |

Monroe st) lears st, 200x195 to Monroe st,
one three and six-story bric f actraies. J
Elizabeth H. wife of ThtMuas Fmron an^
Mary J. wife of Jos^b B. Coe to Harriet L.
wife of Alfred T. CarroU. New York, and
Henrietta A. wife of Joeeph J. De Long.
Brooklyn.   Aft. $94,000.   Mar. 1,1890.   295,000

Sth av. No. 21. s e cor 9tb st. 26x100, three-
stny ta-k dweU'g, to Henry B. Renwick. ^
part.   Jan. 6.1890.                                      16,000

Same property, to same. Q. C. X part. Jan.
2, IwO.                                                             nom

Stb av. No. 45, n e cor llth st 5L4 x im«.,
tbree-story brk dweU'e, to Julia Wood. 1-12
part   C. a. G.   Nov. 22,1889.                   7,000

Stb av. No. 60 I begins .5th av, n w oor 12th st

12thst,No.9 \   50.9x125, four-story brk dwel¬

ling on av and two-story stable on st, to
Edward F. Searles. Partition. July 9,
1890.                                                             160,000

Stb av. No. 73, n w cor 13tb st, 51.7x100, three
and four-story brk and stone dweU'gs, to
Frank FuUer.   C. a. G.   Oct 30,1889.   150,000

Otb av, No. 14, e s, 16x80, three-story brk store
and tenem't, to David SUberstein. Nov. 18,
1889.                                                               13,000

6th av. No. 24, e s, 18.3x97, tbree-story brk store
ahd tenem't with two-stoiT brk building on
rear, to Isaac J. SUberstein. Aft $8,000.
Feb. 28,1890.                                                 15,000

6tb av, No. 48, e s, 19x74.3x19x72.10, tbree-story
brk store and tenem't, to Adolphus Koffman.
ML $12,000.    April 14,1890.                        17,.500

Otb av. No. 64, es, 21.6x80, tbree-story brk store
and tenem't, to James W. Keteham. April
15,1890.                                                            nom

Same property, to Henry Levintan. Aft. $16,-
000.   JunelO, 1890.                                      31,000

Otb av. No. 102, e s, 20x77.7, three-story brk
store and dwell'g, to Charles Percival. Par¬
tition    Dec. 6, 1889.                                    :i0,600

6th av, Nos. 140 and 143, e s. 64.6x131x60.4x49.8
X west 71.2, tbree-story brk "Odd-Fellows"
Hall, &c., to Cbarles A. Hess.    June 9, 1890.


Same property, to Solomon Sayles. Aft $65,-
000.   June Z7, 1890.                                    129,000

6th av. No. 184, e s, 20x100, four-story brk
store and tenem't, to Micbael J. Adrian. Aft.
$16,000.   Oct 31,1889.                                    nora

Interior lot, begins at point on centre line bet
Bleecker st and West 3d st, 244 6 s West 3d
st, runs soutb 17.9 x southeast 2.5.11 x nortb
24.9 X west 25. George R Read, Rye, N. Y.,
toFerdinandH. Mela.   April 29,1890.     11,000


Plans filed between August  1,   1889,   and
July 1,1890.

Bleecker st. No. 113, eight-story brk, stone and
iron store, 51x95. cement roof; cost, $130,000;
G. Sidenburg & Co.,48 West SOtbst; ar'ts, Bucb¬
man & Deisler; m'ns, J. & L. Weber.

Bleecker st. No. 127, six-story brk and iron
factory and store, tin roof; cost, $35,000; Solo¬
mon & Sampter, 51 East Broadway; ar't, F.

Bleecker st. Nos. 128 and 130, two six-story brk
warehouses, 25x85, tin roofs; cost, $40,000 eacb;
Geo. R. Read, Rye. N. Y.; ar't, O. Wu^; m'n
and c'r, J. 6   Wallace.

Bleecker st. No. 130, six-story brk warehouse, 25
x86. tin roof: cost, $45,000; Geo. R. Read. 9 Pine
st: ar't, O. Wirz; m'n imd c'r, J. G. Wallace.

Bleecker st, s w cor Mercer st, ten-story brk,
stone and terra cotta warehouse, 72.5x119, tin
roof; cost, $400,000; Rachel Cohnfeld, 218 West
•59th st; ar't, A. Zucker.

Broome st. No. 554, flve-story brk factory, 25x
83, tin roof; cost, $15,000; Gustave Hebnsteter,
505 Broome st; ar'ts, J. Boekell & Son.

Broome st, n w cor W^ooster st, six-story brk,
iron and stone store, 100x75, tin roof; cost, $175,-
000; Simon Goldenberg, 29 East 72d st; ar't, A.

Canal st. No. 385, flve-«tory brk, terra cotta and
iron store, 31.5x67, tin roof; cost, $17,000; D.
Amould, 17 Wooster st; ar'te, Brunner & Tryon.

Carmine st, Nos. 34 and 36, flve-story brk flat,
40x60, tin roof; cost, $38,000; W. Broadbelt, 2
West 113th st; ar't, J. C. Burae.

Clinton pl. No. 97, flve-story brk and stone
tenem't, 25x72.6, tin roof; cost abt $12,000;
Adelaide Guttman, 149 East 73d st; ar't B-

Downing st, Nos. 63-67, two flve-story and
basement brk flate, one 37.7x78 and one 37x78,
tin roofs: total cost, $62,000; Adelaide Beaudet,
201 West 118tb st; ar't R R. Davis.

Greene st, Nos. 190 and 192, six-story brk, iron
and stone store, 47xloO, tin roof; cost, $100,000;
£. C. Oppenheim, 33 Thomas st, att'y aud agent;
ar't, A. Zucker.

Greene st, Nos. 19^3^-200, six-story iron store
bouse, 121.8x143.6, tin and plastic slate roof; cost,
$-300,000; Guggenbeimer & Sonnebom, 36 West
77tb st; ar't, R. N. Anderson.

Greene st, Nos. 200>^ and 202, six-story brk,
iron and stone store, 50x85, tin roof; cost, $i(Mi,-
000; M Goldfrank, 32 Tbomas st; ar't, A. Zucker.

Greene st, Nos. 203 and 305, six-story brk
warehouse, 40x95, tin roof; CGstj_$85,000; Geo.
R. Read, Rye, N. Y.; ar't O. Wi.z; m'n and
c'r, J. G. Wallace.

Greene st. No. 207, six-story brk, iron and
stone warehouse, 27x86, tin roof; coet, $50,000; C.
W. West, 76 Pierrepont st Brooklyn; ar't O.
Wirz; m'n and c'r, J. G. Wallace.

Greene st. No. 209, six-story brk, iron and stone
warehouse, V5x86, tin roof; coet, $45,000; S. F.
Shortland, 86 Lefferts pl. Brooklyn; art aud cY,
same as last

Greene st. No. 213, six-story brk, iron and
aXane warehouse. 27.6x86, tin roof; cost, $50,-
000; M. Schrenkeisen, 309 Eiurt; 17th st; ar't, O.

Greene St. Nos. 215 and 217    ) six story    brk

Wooster st, Noe. 336 and 228 ) and stoue
stores, 50x200, metal roof; cost, abt $75,000; Bar¬
bey & Ronalds, 17 West 26Ch st; ar'te. Snook &
Sons; m'ns, Andruss Sc Sons.

Greene st, ws, 175.1 n Bleecker st, two six-story
brk and iron stores, 37.6 and 86.5x100, tin roofs;
cost, $75,000 each; F. H. Mela, 529 Broadway;
ar'ts. Cleverdon Sc PutzeL

Houston St. No. 21 W., six-story brk and iron
warebonse, 25x100, tin roof; cost $43,500: F. H.
Mela, 313 East .57th st; ar'ts, Cleverdon Sc PutieL

Houston St. No. 25 W., one-story brk worksht^,
15x18, felt and gravel roof; cost $400; H. Solo¬

mon, exr., 58 East 65th st; ar't, m'n and c'r, T. J.

Houston st. No. 92 W., one-story frame sbed,
16x5; coet, $25; E. La Porte, on premises.

King st, Nos. 37 and 39, two flve-story stone
front fiate, 25.4x89.6, tin roofs; coet, $20,000 each;
ow'r and b'r, Abram Quackenbush, 313 West 37th
st; ar't. M. B. V. Ferdon.

King st, No. 21. four-story brk flat, 20.8x53,
with extension, 11.6x12.6, tin roof; cost, abt ^11,-
000; A W. Thompson, 133 West Houston st; ark
and c'r, M. Snedeker.

Macdougal st. No. 20, rear, one-story frame
shed, 35x12, tin roof; cost, $50; A. M. Dodge, 72
East 34tb sl; art, T. J. Sbeidan.

Macdougal st, Nos. 171 and 173, suE-story brk
factory and store. 50.4x108, tin roof; cost, $85,-
(XM); A. D. Russell, 2.57 Madison av; ar'ts, Ren¬
wick, Aspinwall & Russell.

Macdougal st, s w cor 3d st, five-story brk fiat,
25x96, tinroof; cost, $32,000; E. W. Browu, 189
Bleecker st; ar't, G. Keister.

Mercer st, Nos. 117 and 119, two flve-story and
basement brk, iron and stone store buildings, 35 9
and 24x84.11 and .50, tin roofs; total cost, ^>,000;
Mrs. A. R. Lecour, 333 West 19th st; ar't, G.

Mercer st, Nos. 193 and 195, six-story brk aud
stone warehouse, 43.10x100 and 83, tin roofs; cost,
$73,000; J. C. Lyons and E. G. btedraan, 67 East
127th st; ar't. J. Munckwitz.

Mercer st. No. 2oO, one-stjry brk storage, 20x
85, gravel ro<jf; cost, $750; lessee, A. Winters,
763 Greenwich st; ar't, J. H. Kelly.

Prince st. Nos. 115-121, tbree six-story brk,
iron and stone warehouses, 33.4x95, tin roofs;
cost, $.50,000 each; F. A. Seitz, 33 West 137th st;
ar'te, Cleverdon & Putzel.

Prince st. No. 136, six-story brk warehouse, 25
x86,tin roof: cost, $40,000; J. C. Wallace, 148
East .53d st; ar't O- Wirz; m'n and c'r, J. G.

Spring st. No. 206, flve-story brk factory and
store, 25x110, tin roof; cost, abt $1.5,000; N. Y.
Pie Baking Co., 82 SuUivan st; ar't, C. E.

Spring st, s e cor Wooster st, six-story brk,
stone and iron store, 54.1x51, asphalt roof; cost,
$150,000; Met Tel. Ca, 16 and 18 Cortlandt st;
ar't, C. L. W. Eidlitz; m'n, R L. Darragh; c'rs,
Bogart Bros.

Sullivan st, No. 5, five-story and basement brk
fiat 27.5x79.10, tin roof; cost, $20,000; I. Rinaldo.
148 East 74tb st; ar't, F. EbeUng.

University pl. No. 32, two-story glass, iron and
frame front store, '<il.7x95.7, tin roof; cost, $6,500;
S. Hirsh, 162 East 72d st; ar'ts, Cleverdon &

Vandam st. No. 3, two-story frame stable, 24.6x
74.9, tar and gravel roof; cost, $4,000; Sarab
Strong and Nellie E. Bond, White Plains, N. Y.;
ar't C. E. Hadden; m'n, J. J. Murdock.

Washington pl. No. 9, six-story brk, iron and
stone warehouse, 3.5x95, tin roof; cost, abt $40,-
000; L. & S. Sachs, 133 East 79tb st; ar't, R.
Berger; m'ns, Deeves & Bro.; c'r, J. F. Moore.

Wasbington pl. No. 10, &ix-story brk, iron and
stone warehouse, 43.10x91.8, tin roofs; cost, abt
$80,000; L. Sc S. Sachs, 132 East 79th st; ar't, R.
Bercer; m'n, 8. I. Acken; c'r, H. D. Powers.

Wasbington pl, n e cor Mercer st, six-story brk,
iron and stone warehouse, tin roof; cost, $153,-
000; Cbas. Wise, 88 Reade st; ar't A. Zucker.

Wasbington sq, Nos. 54-57 W., two and six-
story brk and terra cotta church, 105.2xl«i0.3,
slateand tin-roofs; cost, $160,000; G. W. Mur¬
ray, Secretary, 262 West llth st; ar'is, McKim,
Meade Sc White; m'n, C. T. WiUs; c'rs, Hedden
& Sons.

Waverley pl. No. 106, flve-story brk and stone
flat 23x80, tin roof; cost, $30,000; E J. Kelly, s
e cor Prospect av and 165tb st; ar't, G. A. Schel¬

Waverley pl, n e cor Greene st, six-story brk
and stone store, 142.6xl3i.ll, tin roof; cost,
$•385,000; J. C. Lyons, 67 East 137th st; ar'te,
Bucbman & Deisler.

Waverley pl, n e cor Mercer st, six-story brk,
stone, iron and terra cotta warehouse, 50x108 3,
tin roof; cost $110,000; Gallagher & Kehoe, 225
East 18tb st; ar'te, Cleverdon Sc Putzel; m'n and
c'r, P. GaUagher.

Wooster st. No. 18, flve-story brk and terra
cotta store, 25x93.6, tin roof; cost, $18,000; A.
E. Coben & Bro., on premises; ar'ts, Brunner Sc
Tryon;  m'n, W. P.  D.  Robinson;  c'r, H.  D.


Wooster st, Nos. 102, 104 and 106, five-story
and basement brk and stone store, 75x100, tin,
terra cotta and iron roofs; cost, rfbt $50,000; D. S.
Einstein, 38 West 57th st; ar'te, De Lemos &
Cordes.                           *

Wooeter st, Nos. 103-114, e s, 77.7 s Prince st,
six-story brk store, 100x97. tin roof; cost,
$50,000; Amos R. Eno. 233 Stb av; ar'te, D. Sc
J. Jardine.

Sdst, No. 70 W., rear, three-story and base¬
ment brk factory, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $6,500;
B. Boretti, 59 West 4th st; ar't A. C. Newmann.

3d st, No. 87 W., five-story brk fiat, 25x97, tm
roof; coet. $20,000; J. L. Buttenweiser, 237 East
60tb st; ar't, G. F. Pelham; m'n, J. Van Dolsen.

4th st, Nos. 4 and 6 W., six-story brk, iron and
stone building, 30x65.6, tin roof; cost, $40,000;
Havens & Winters, 399 Manhattan av; ar't. R.
S. Townsend.

4tb st, Nos. 21-29 W., two six-story brk, iron
andstone warehouses. 51.4x91.8. tin roofs; cost,
abt$85,i>00 eacb; L. & S. Sachs, 133 EastTVih
st;ar't R- Berger; m'n, S. I. Acken; c'r, J. F.

4th st, Nos. 143 and 145 W., five-story brk flat,
29.7x84, tm roof: cost $26,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r.
A. Koscbel, 228 West52d st
  v. 46, [no. 1180], suppl.: Page 53