Real estate record and builders' guide (v.81no.2077(Jan. 4 1908)-no.2102(June 27 1908))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 81, no. 2084: Page 324  



February 22, 1908

Competitive designs for the erection of a combined market and
armory building will be received at the offlce of the city en¬
gineer of Richmond, Va,, until March 23, The architects sub¬
mitting designs will be required to furnish plans, four eleva¬
tions, longitudinal and cross-sections and such other detail
drawings as may be necessary. Also a proposal from a reliable
contractor that the building can be erected for the sum of


The market for builders' hardware continues easy, with con¬
siderable shading from manufacturers' lists.

The Engineering Supervision Co. announces the removal of
their office from 320 Sth av to 43^5 West 34th st.

Percival Robert Moses, consulting engineer, has moved to 43-45
West 34th st, where he has taken a large suite of offlces.

Mr. William H, Fricke, who for several years has represented
large interests in the metal-ceiling line, has established a new
firm under the name of the "Mott Steel Ceiling Co.," with offices
at 1 Madison av.

The Park av suits growing out of damages to buildings by
changing the line of the subway have been settled on the basis
of $199,630.18. The owners take payment in city bonds and
will hold them for six months.                                           ,

Metal ceilings and metal wall decorations are oftentimes very
handsome, and they are going into good places. The Brooklyn
Metal Ceiling Co.'s works at 283-87 Greene av, Brooklyn, have
been enlarged recently. Mr. F. W. Randall, the proprietor, will
send a new catalogue on application.

The New York offlces of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
have moved from 29 West 39th st to the 12th fioor of the build¬
ing 135 William st, w^here the offices of the National Board of
Fire Underwriters are also located. Mr, George B. Bruen, em¬
ployed in an engineering capacity by the National Board, will
take up the laboratory work in connection with his other duties,
and has been appointed engineer for Underwriters' Laboratories,
Inc., to have charge of the business of that corporation in and
around New York City.

The United States Civil Service Commission announces an
examination on March 25-26, 1908, to secure eligibles from
which to make certification to fill a vacancy in the position of
perspective draftsman, $1,800 per annum, office of the Super¬
vising Architect, Treasury Department, and vacancies requiring
similar qualifications as they may occur in any branch of the
service. The appointee in this position should be an architec¬
tural draftsman with knowledge of perspective drawing and
the rendering of architectural drawings, either in pen-and-ink
or color, or both.

Contracts for electrical machinery amounting to upward of
$5,000,000, on the Suez Canal, in Mexico, and at Osaka, Japan,
have just been secured by American electrical interests.
The principal contract has been let through the local officers
of the Japanese house of Takata & Co., and calls for big tur¬
bine units and other apparatus to be installed in the huge plant
now under construction for the Osaka Light & Power Co, The
equipment will embrace five steam turbines of 4,500 horse¬
power capacity each, or 22,500 horsepower in all. The genera¬
tors will be operated at 11,000 volts, three phase, GO-cycle type,
built to operate at 1,200 revolutions per minute,

Jacob Mark Sons, No. 7 Worth st, are getting orders for
vault lights and trench plates from the best current work. The
following is a list of new buildings which have one or the
other, and in some cases both: Ti-inity Building, Realty Build¬
ing, Knickerbocker Hotel, Plaza Hotel, Evening Post Building,
Trust Co. of America Building, Abraham & Straus Building,
Brooklyn, Chemical Bank, N. Y. World Building, Staats-Zeitung
Building, Ehret's Brewery, Hamburg-American Building, City
Investing Building, Silversmiths' Building, Mutual Benefit Build¬
ing,  Newark,  N,  J.

The Strength of Savings Banks.

"The Great Strength of Savings Banks in Financial Crises"
is the title of a "Finance Primer" published by the Siegfried
Advertising Agency. This is only a pocket edition of 10 pages,
but has a lot of valuable information gathered from one source
or another. It draws attention to the fact that there are in
New Tork fifty-seven savings banks, with an aggregate grand
total of 1,825,495 accounts, and, while many people have more
than one account, yet it is safe to say that nearly 1,000,000
persons in this city have entrusted their money to these fifty-
seven "people's banks." In the largest institution in New York
City, with its deposits aggregating about $100,(MX),000, the total
cost of managing its immense volume of business is only $150,-
000 a year, or considerably less than 1-5 of 1 per cent on its
fotal deposits. There is on deposit in the savings banks of
New York City about $977,000,000. and In New Tork State
the grand total of $1,394,000,000.


The first name is that of the ow'r; ar't etanda tor architect, m'li
for mason,  c'r for carpenter, 'and b'r for builders.

When character of roof Is not mentioned, it Is to be underetood
that the roof is to be of tin.



4th st, Nos 149-151 East,  two 1-sty hrk and stone outhouses, 6.4x

13,10 and 23,8;  cost, $1,600;  estate ol George Roll, 346 W 121st

st;   ar't,  Henry Regelmann,   133 7th St.—56.
8th  st.   No 418  E'ast,   1-sty brk  aud stone  outhouse,   13x6,8;   cost,

$1,0()0;  John Saalfrank, on premises; ar't, Henry Regelmann, 133

7th st,—55.


1st av. No 549, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 11.9x10.9; cost. $500;

Mary Campbell, on premises; ar't, P F Brogan, 119 E 2Sd st,—53,
9th  av.   No  565,   1-sty  brk  and  stone  outhouse.   I'2x7;   cost,  .$450;

Denia F Gerbereux, 419 West Broadway; ar'ts, Briganti & Steene-

ken. 205 E 17th st.—54.


Riverside Drive, w s, 100.10 n 161st st, 1-sty concrete and frame
warehouse, 62x123.2; cost, $35,000; The Heights Garage & Stor¬
age Co, 34 New Chambers st; ar't, John C Watson. 217 W 125th


161st st, s s, 50 e 3d av, 1-sty frame shed, 32x32; cost, $500; A
Hupfels Sons Brewing Co, on premises; ar't, Wm Schnaufer, 363 E
149th  St.—87,

216th St. n s, 200 w Tilden av, 2-sty frame tenement, 25x52; cost,
$4,500; Spitaleri Bros. 341 E 105th st; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019
Jerome  av.—SO.

Aqueduct av, w s, 4S7,0 s ISSd st, 2i4-sty frame dwelling, 23^x55,
peak shingle roof; cost, $10,000; Mrs Mary B Bell. 1789 Under¬
cliff  av;   ar't,   Albert   E  Davis.   258  E, 13Sth   st.—86.

Barnes av, w s, 50 s 235th st. 2-sty and attic frame dwelling, 20x
35.6, peak shingle roof; cost, $2,000; Wm F Kayser, 236th st and
Hobart st;  ar't, Louis W Kayser, 230th st and Hobart st.—88.

Grace av, w s. 150 n Lyon av, two 2-sty frame dwellings. 21x40;
total cost, .$9,000; Martin Pletcher, Grace av; ar't, B Ebeiing,
West  Farms   road,—77.

Grace av, w s. 125 n Lyon av, 2-sty frame dwelling. 21x50; cost.
$5,(X10; Martin Pletcher, Grace av; ar't, B Ebeiing, West Farms

Intervale av. w s, 191.5 s 169th st. 2-sty frame wagon storage, 25x
73; cost, $2,000; John Gass, 1223 Intervale av; ar't, Albert Ger¬
hards, 870 E 170th st,—S3.

Martha av, e s, 50 n 240th st, four 2-sty frame dwellings. 21x55
each; total cost, $24,000; Norwood Hill, Realty Co, Franklin A
Thurston, 132 Nassau st, Pres; ar't, J J Vreeland, 2019 Jerome

Prospect av, w s, 219,10 n Jennings st, 1-sty brk stores and amuse¬
ment hall, 98,5x142,1%; cost, $15,000; George Keller. 970 Pros¬
pect av;  ar't, Harry T Howell, 149th st and 3d av.—84.

Pugsiey av. w s, 125 s Westchester av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x56;
cost, $4,500; Leo L Buhmann, Newbold and Olmstead avs, ow'r
and   ar't.—89.

Shakespeare av, w s, 123.6 s IGSth st, two 3-sty brk dwellings, 19.9
x42.S; total cost, .*i;20,(K>0; James J Spearing, 2123 Woodycrest
av;   ar't, James W Cole, 403 W Slst st.—79.

Tinton av, e s. 148.10 s 156th st. 1-sty brk stores and dwelling,
25.6x82,5^ and 77,6; cost, $10,000; Harry Lehr, 720 Tinton av;
ar'ts, Sommerfeld & Steckler, 19 Union sq.—76.

Westchester av, s s, SS e ISOtb st, I-sty brk moving picture store,
50.k9T,11; cost, $14,000; Nicoland Amusement Co, 51 Chambers
st;  ar't, Thos W Lamb, 224 5th av.—82,

Wilder av, e s, 325 u Randall av. 2-sty frame dwelling, 19x26; cost,
$3,200; John L Nelson, Seton av; ar't, Carl P Johnson, 8 E 42d

Washinglon av, w s, 45 s 165th st, 1-sty frame shed, 20x40; cost,
$200; Gustav Abrweiler, 1031 Washington av; ar't, Fred Ham¬
mond, 913 Washington av.—90.




Delancey st.   No   252,  partitions,   windows,   to 4-sty brk  and  stone

store  and  tenement;   cost,  $500;   Herman M  Kaplan,  54 E 118th

Et;   ar't,  Henry Klein. 50o  E  15th  St.—265.
Delancey  st.   No  294,   alter  light  shafts,   toilets,   to  5-sty   brk and

stone   tenement;   cost,  $1,200;   Mary Hartmann,  7S5 De  Kalb  av,

Brooklyn;   ar't,   A  D  Hoxie,   173  West  Broadway,—274.
Eldridge st. No 3, partitions, windows, pine posts, to 3-sty brk and

stone   store   and   synagogue;   eost,   $500;   C   E   Martin,   14   Centre

st, Newark,  N J;  ar't, Hermau Horenburger, 122 Bowery.-253.
Eldridge st, No 43, toilets, partitions, windows, stairs, to 5-sty brk

and   stone   stores   and   tenement;   cost,   $3,000;   Simon  Lefkowitz,

75 Spring st;  ar'ts, Bernstein & Bernstein, 24 E 23d st,—247.
East Broadway,  No 265. partitions,  store fronts,  to  6-sty brk and

stone tenement;  cost, $300;  Barnet Goldfine, 78 E lllth st;  ar't,

Henry J Feiser, 150 Nassau st.—251.
Greenwich   st.   No   34,   new   shaft,   partitions,   windows,   toilets,   to

6-sty   brk   and   stone   store   and   tenement;   cost,   $1,800;   Michael

Halpin.  2772  Bainbridge  av.   Bronx;   ar't,  John  H  O'Rourke,   137

E 47th St.—27o.
Houston st, No 175 East, 4-sty brk and stone rear extension. 18x36.

stairs, partitions, to 4-sty brk and stone store and dwelling; cost.

$8 OOO'  S Ershowskv, 175 East Houston st; ar't, 0 Reissmann. 30

1st st,—250.
Norfolk   st.  No  57,  partitions,  windows,  piers,  tank,   to  two  4 and

5-sty  brk  and  stone   tenements   and   stores;   cost,   $3,000;   Philip

Smith   57 Norfolk st; ar't, H Horenburger, 122 Bowery.-254.

agreement, &c.   Oct 1, 1907, due Oct 1, 1917. 5%.   Feb 17, 1908.
  v. 81, no. 2084: Page 324