Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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from my own collection made during the last seven or eight years; and I have even been obliged to keep back
a large number of them for want of space. But I must frankly acknowledge that I have freely availed
myself of the quotations and references in that Dictionary, where my own collection was defective, particularly
in the case of Vedic and Paurdi^iic works. I have also occasionally consulted the Dictionaries of H. H.
Wilson and Benfey, the former supplying some happy renderings of technical or obscure
words. To these authors, as well as to the authors and editors of several other works, which are
too many to be here mentioned, from which I have derived occasional help ia one form or another, my
most grateful thanks are duo.

In conclusion I may be permitted to express the hope that the Practical Sanskrit-English Diotioj^-
ary—which has  attempted to give in 1200 closely printed pages of this size matter at least equal in point of
fjxiantity to that given by Prof. Monier Williams in his Dic^^ionary, but in  point of quality,  more   reliable,
varied, and practically useful,  in  my humble opialon—will  sccve   tk3    purpose   I have    had  in   view in
compiling it;   namely, to render to the student of Sanskrit nearly the same service that Webster's or   Ogilvie's
Dictionary does to the student of English.    I have tried to make it easily accessible to the public by issuing
a Popular Edition priced at 7 Rupees—a price too low, I believe, for so much matter; while the Library Edi
tion which, containing the same matter,  i^ printed   on superior paper   and in better style,   and will als
have  superior  binding,  will best  answer the   purposes  of the   well-to-do    persons    who  can    afl'ord   tc
spend 10 or 11 Rupees for such object.    In a work of this kind I know    there  must   be several   de
fects and also errors both of omission and commission,   and if such persons as will do me the honour of using
this Dictionary will bo so good as to point out to me places which require corrections, additions or improve¬
ments, I shall be  very happy to give the  suggestions my best consideration in the second  edition.     But if
the Dictionary, even in its present  form, be found to be a useful publication,  I   shall consider my   labours
more than  amply repaid, and shall feel quite refreshed to devote  my  humble self again,   if need be, to
the service of the Sanskrit-reading public; for, says the poet,

Poona,            \                                                                                          Y   g   APTE

28th December 1890. /                                                                                           ^' "^^ "^^^^
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