Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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%^rtd Ct. Celebrated by the
(sacred) sages.

%if(tj<j^ a. Praising a jSishi.

5|fq|^q[ a. Ved. Ac(X)mpanied by

g|f^(^)^; I^. of a country
or its inhabitants (pl.).

^^ a. (^^-^r-5).l Going. -2
Great, powerful, strong. -3 Wise.
—^: 1 A Taj of the sun. -2 A fire¬
brand. -3 Glowing fire. -4 A i^ishi
(who se«s the Mantras).

double-edged sword. -2 A' sword
(in general). -3 Any weapon (as a
spear or lance &c). -Comp. —^^^
a. shining with weapons.

^fg-j^IH a. Purnished with spears
(as the Maruts ).

^^; . [ ^^-^Riq, ] 1 A white-
footed antelope. —^ A kind of
leprosy. -f/Omp. —Bf^^r^^HTo
qxq: ^- of Aniruddha. —qqx the
plant Asparagus Eacemosus (=^sjf-
fj^j-). -.Tj^ the plant WWi>X\'
-pfF^ a kind of leprosy. —qx'rXXX
N. of several plants ; ^^f%^f, ^Tlt-
^^y ^mr^T. -'i^: a mountain near

q^XXqy ^5 and qxx^- In astronomy
the seven ^ishis form the constella¬
tion of "theGreatBear").-2 Asancti-
fied sage ,saint,an ascetic, anchorite;
(there are nsually three classes of
these saintS;^c|f^, ^^f^or^n^fft"; some¬
times four more are added ; q^^, q-
X^y ^f^ and qq^. -3 A ray of
light. -4 An imaginary circle.
-Comp. —^F^ 1. a sacred river.
-2. N. of q^q^x *—^^ct. niaking
one's appearance. — plft: N. of a
mountain in Magadha.—^F^ Ved.
inspiring the singer. — ^54^ n, the
metre of a ^ishi. — ^FRFt^:, -^FTTF-
f^^qxx the plant ^S^tm* -^qA'A liba¬
tion offered to the -Kishis. — cf^^F
!N". of a festival or ceremony on the
fifth day in the first half of Bha-
drapada  (observed   by   women ).

—JiFFn" the plant TffEFrfi. —^ a.
connected or related to the i?ishi.
—T^^ a. inspired. —^1^ the be¬
ginning of a Mandala composed by
a ^ishi. —q^: a sacrifice offered to
a ^ishi ( consisting of a prayer
in low voice ). — rTfch": the world
of the i?ishis. — ^^FF: 1. praise
of the iSishis. -2. a particular sacri¬
fice completed in one day.

the lake Pamp4 which formed the
temporary abode of Eama with the
monkey-chief Sugriva; %t^T!j»<c|^^
^TTF^FF: 5^^tFF^  Sf^qq^x.-'l^x N,

of a sage. [ He was tne son of Vi-
bhawc^aka. According to mythical ac¬
count he was bom of a female deer, and
had a small horn on his forehead, and
hence called *Rishyamnga', or 'deer-
horned'. He was brought up in the
forest by his father, and he saw no other
human being till he nearly reached his
manhood. When a great drought weU
nigh devastated the country of Anga,
its king Lomapada, at the advice of
Brahmawas, caused -Kishyasringa to be
brought to him by means of a number
of damsels, and gave his daughter
Santa ( adopted by him, her real father
being Dasaratha ) in marriage to him,
who being greatly pleased caused copi¬
ous showers of ram to fall in his king¬
dom. It w^s this sage that perfor¬
med for king Dasaratha the sacrifice
which brought about the birtlj, of Kama
and his three brothers ].

^^qXx A painted or white-foot¬
ed antelope.

5f^^ a. Ved. Great, high, noble.
—^: N. of Indra and Agni.
"5^% a. Ved. Small, weak.


3^ ind. An interjection of ( 1 )
terror; ( 2 ) warding off; ( 3 ) re¬
proach or reinsure ; ( 4 ) compas¬
sion ; ( 5 ) remembrance, —m. (5|f:)

1 N. oi Bhairava. -2 A Danava or
demon. —/. 1 The mother of the
gods; also of the demons. -2  Ee¬

coUection. -3 Motion, going,   —n.
The breast.

3^ 9p. (^m^, fn) To  go,


^5   ^.

^ ind. 1 The earth. -2 A
mountain. -3 The mother of the
gods, -4 The female nature. -^ A

mystical letter. {N. B. E"o Sanskrit
word begins with c? or ^, except
some  of the technical   names of

Panini for tenses and moods ] e. g.

"^ind. A mother, a divine fe¬
male, —m, ASiva. —/. -•^.
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