Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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H 2 P,   ( 3Fi+f).  To come,  ap¬
proach &c.; (see f).

H; m. N. of Vishnu,   —ind. An
interjection of ( 1 ) remembering ; |
( 2 ) envy ] {3)  compassion ; ( 4 )
calling ; ( 5 ) contempt or  censure,
XS!^ pron.   a.  [f-^F^r^]   1   One,
single, alone, only; Bh. 3. 14. -2 Not
accompanied by any one ; U. 2. 28.
-3 Tho same,  one and the same,
identical; l^^F^^F ^q8.7 ] qq^-
iRq'qX^^ ^A^^ ^fr^fTHT H. 1.
101. -4 Pirm,  unchanged ; Pt.   1.
260. -5   Single of its kind, unique,
singular.-6 Chief, supreme, promin¬
ent,   sole;°qrf%^, ""q^^xy^xr^
M. 1. 1 sole sovereignty ; q^r':ri^-
j^Cr^af ^Bh.   3.   121. "7  Peerless,
matchless. -8 One of two or many;
Me.   30,78.  -9 Oft. used  like the
English indefinite article *a* or *an';
^^XXXXiA^   S.5.   30.  -10 True.  -11
Little.   0,ft. used in the  middle of
comp.  in the sense of * only', with
an  adjectival  or adverbial force;
fr%^?^ looking  only to   faults ;
^^"^^S ku. 3. 15 your arrow  only;
so q'^iqxq^^X'^^X' xrqxx— 3?^:,   or
-^qX'. the one-the other; it is nsed
in the plural in the sense of some,
its correlative  being ^-q   or 3|q<:
(others); ^i.   12. 45; see ^^, ^^X
also.   —qXx   N.  of   Vishnu,    the
Supreme being, —gprr N. of Durga.
[ cf.    Persian   yak) L.    ceq^uus ].
-COinp.     —btV: a separate   part,
part in general. —^^ a. 1. having
only one axle. -2. having one eye.
-3. having a^n excellent eye. (-^;)
1. a crow. -2. N. of iSiva. —^^X ct.
monosyllabic.(-5C) 1. a monosyllable.
-2. the sacred syllable c^f^; Ms. 2.
83. ° "^XW* a vocabulary of mono¬
syllabic   words   by  Purushottama-
deva. ° ^^X^x the production of only
one syllable, contraction.—^iT ^. 1.
fixed on one object or point  only.
-2. closely attentive,  concentrated,
intent; rrfm^^^^F'Tr B. 15. 66; K.
49; Bg. 18.72; JT5^^r^r€^ Ms. 1.
L -3.   unperplexed.   -4. known,

celebrated. -5. single-pointed, {-qx)
{in Math. ) the whole of the
long side of a figure which
is subdivided. °f%Tf, -H^^et a.
with a concentrated mind, with un¬
divided attention. °f^n^, ^f^TTcTF
intentness of purpose, concen¬
tration of mind. °ffs" a, fixing
one's eye on one spot. — bt^^ =° ^
vx. {-'^) concentration. —b^'tT: 1.
a body-guard. -2. the planet Mer¬
cury or Mars. -3. I:^. of Vishnu.
{-q) l.a single member or^ part.
-2. sandal wood. -3. the head.
—STHT^r preparation made with
sandal-wood. -^3^; a kind of horse.
-"^f^^Kf; a sole monarch or sove¬
reign. —B^ff^f the only (day) re¬
ceiving no part of the moon, an
epithet of Kuhn or day of new
moon (born together with Krishna
and worshipped with Krishria and
Baladeva and identified with Durgci).
—3T^1%H" a. l.left as a funeral feast
or one who has recently partaken in
it. {-t) a funeral ceremony perform¬
ed for only one ancestor ( recently
dead ). —BTrT et. 1. solitary, retired.
-2. aside, apart. -3. directed to¬
wards one point or object only.
-4. excessive, great; ° ^\xq\x:qx^^xq'
^qXx Ku. 1. 36. -5. worshipping
only only. -6. absolute, invariable,
perpetual; ^r^raH^rrrjor Bh. 2. 7;
^i^^^ l^g^Trf Me. 109. ( -?f:)
1. a lonely or retired place, solitude;
-qXH^" FWfTR^r: Pt. 2. 20; H. 1. 52.
-2. exclusiveness. -3. an invariable
rule or course of conduct or ac¬
tion ; Pt. 3. 7. --4. exclusive aim or
boundary, {-q ) an exclusive
recourse, a settled rule or principle;

^: ^^r ^r ^xq ^r??^^ ^%^qx

SI 2. 83. {"Ay "^qy -qqxy -t ) ind.
1, solely, exclusively, invariably,
always, absolutely. -2. exceeding,
quite, wholly, very much; ^^TT^-
^m^r xAxX^W* Bh. 3. 24; Jt^ff^r-
^f qx Me. 109; oft. in comp.; ^ ^-
\.q\^ sure or destined to perish;
K. 2.^57 ; °Hf^ Mu. 3. 5 always ti¬
mid; so q-^m^f^  very weak &c.

-3. alone, apart, privately, ^-nxq be¬
ing alone or solitary, ^qfq a. devot¬
ed to one object only. ° f^rft^f^ et.
a solitary wanderer. °Q^Jfr * con¬
taining exclusively good years', a
division of time with Jainas. ^ft^Trf
a. staying or remaining apart.
—3frf^ a. next but one, separated
by one remove; S. 7. 27; V. 1.
(-;cO ^ ^^^^ of fever. — BfRfSfT «.
final, conclusive. —Bffrjt^ devotion
to one object. —sff^qr^ a. devot¬
ed to one object only. (~m.) a
worshipper of Vishi;iu. — 3^?r one
and the same food. (-?ri);~°^n'^'3[ ^
mess-mate. —BT^^f a heifer one year
old. — BT^T ct. 1. passable for/only
one ( as a foot-path) . -2. fixing
one's thoughts on one object, close¬
ly attentive, iutent ; see qqxx^*
{-q ) 1. a lonely or retired place.
-2. a meeting.-place, rendezvous.
-3. union of thoughts. -4. mo¬
notheism.  -5.   the sole object;  5^r

#f^^ t^m^r^rfrM. 2.15; q^^r-

^;sr Mv. 4 with one accord, una-
nimously. qq = ^^R^ ' q. v.
—BTof^:'general flood, universal
deluge. —^^ a. 1. having one and
the same meaning, having the
same object in view; SI 2. 114.
(-?!:) 1. the same thing, object,
or intention. -2. the same meaning.
-S.N.ofa glossary.—BT^TT^* inferior
or less by one. — BT^^T^ a. made up
of the same components.—B^^r^ or
"^ ^qn et. eighty-first. —3T^rr%:
/. eighty-one. — BTH'SFr 1* the first
or chief Ashtaka after the full
moon. -2. the eighth day of the
dark fortnight in the month <d
Magha ( on which a ^f^g; is to be
performed ). —arff?^ et. having one
kernel.    (-^x)    K.   of   a   plant

period of one day. -2. a sacrifice
lasting for one day.^ipT:, ""^T^^a
day's journey. —fTm^TW ci. charac¬
terized by only one umbrella
( showing universal sovereignty);
iT^r^'sf ^TrT : 5r2c# R. 2. 47.
^^r ^18. 4;  K. 206; Si.   12;
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