Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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•winsiii", the Korean for HujrTrahj--and.'W3vlng_,th<a_flaga,  It wae thtat-^''
explained to theu that they were all to form in prooosalnja^iui4.jpak-
thc streets vraving the fla^s ani saying nothing but "Uaneoi,

Just theu the crov/d parto.      . walked ri company of policemen,
Boaie Japanese :and some ;:oroan laa l..l1 ui'der the coEsuand of an officer.
The crowd was commanded by the leadars to remain porfectly liuiot and
it diu to. 'ih« police thon vo^l  aLdoa.., tho people gathering up all
the fla^a. At first some of the school boys were inclined to resist
but they were exhorted by the leador                         p cLe flags to the

officers. They looked the crowd ovei.l,:                         .rd seenod to be

meditating what to do. Then they called th.; lea: rc  into tho build¬
ing, who soon came out again and at-Vcd the -rovcl io qv.ietly disperse
but there was no iaotion of tho oro.'.'d i ' -h-^      oi,-!ii and thoy
remained still. After an interval eomo oi.e t'so exhorted them to
leave but in vain. After half an he                                 .lef of police

asked llr.--- to try to dismisu tho crowd euO  he presonted the

request of tho ahlef to the people and said it '-lould be the part of
wisdom for them to disperse. The police officrs then all left and
I sujgoEted that '^e set a good example by ourtelvuE leaving. So we
. left and the cro'^d conciencod to follo^T us. Wo started dovm the hill
to the main street of tho city to see wiiat r/o could see. Wo found tho
street full of people and all the shoj v/iudowL, and doors closed tij^ht.
ns He came iu t,ij;it all the people waved their fla^L. a^iu shouted
''uansoi"'. rrcsontly v.'o looked behind ue a.^a -O'ond that the cro'-.'d
fro.-i tho school cOi-ipoi'-ni "'as rollov;xni_; and oh^t '■:o  ?/cre loading the
procession. I suj^cstod that it vvciJ d not bo advisalile for us to he
aeon loading a prooos; ion of wovLld-be-intlopcno.ontistc down the main
street of tho cit^y and that '-'o had 'jottor shy off into one ofitho
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