Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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u.   .oi^ i-h»t   iust after the annexation many Koreans went o-ver
and Burope,  others to Ohma,  i-niiiipniiico uiiv*      +>,„+ inrftlitv      In Europe

the merchants,   shopkeepers and others to send^fands to the Vlad^
orgainsation      The P^0P^«>^„^°Jf ^he otvii ^ve?Sor these men were pro-
ressioS! aStatJ?s'ol t^fworsft^l,\nd they were preying on the people
for their own personal gain.

The Korean societies in Europe and America as well as the people  in


of Justice, which states that after investigation he has found,no siffl oi
the missionaries havi5p"5"nything to do witn the n-prising,.

(From Shanghai Gazette, April Sth, 1919)

A Korean Reply

The Editor, Shanghai Gazette.

Sir-- in reference to the interview between your special Correspondent
and'the civil wovemor of Korea published in your columns yesterday I

?Ske^he opportSI!?^ to clear thi great '"i^r^'^'^^^f''Sinds°of%o^ r^d-
of the article in question is likely to produce xn the minds of your read-

^""^'l. The statement of the governor to the effect that |°^^^^^^^"?*f ^^^^^
nrosnered under the Japanese domination is nearly t^ae. But we can not
l^ttllule ?Sis seeming prosperity entirely to the f f°^^^f *^%J?:£f ^^°
government. In this connection we have to pfiint out t^^^t in the first
nlace the oresperity has resulted in enriching the purses of the Japanese
secondly! 1^ tof to the changing spirit of the ti?°=-_f-^^^," ZTlexl
u^heavel all over the world and surely the Koreans who have brains and per-
sevlrlSce couM not have allowed the Opportunities "^/"^"''■^^S^ *^fj^f ^^
to llin away as if there were no Japanese in the country. You must not
forSt ttofm^st of the Japanese innovations in Korea have been instituted
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