Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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to facilitate the exploitation of the country. Ant "•il-^^^of"«*^°°^°:.
mist will percieva that the Koreans as a nation are »"°1' 5°°^?^' f.^ f ^
titute, under Japanese domination than they were during the old rejiime.

a  2. The governor admits that the whole country J^ in a state of fer¬
ment; but hi is quite wseng in tracing the -movement to the "Heaven wor¬
shipers" or the Christians or the school-boys, ^^.^^f'.*^^.?^|^Sf ^^a
riain'' is only an outburst of the deep-seated feelings of antipathy ana
S^sity engindored in the hearts o/the people by the ^f^^^^f^^^^^^^f
of tho Japanlse governi-^nt proofs of which can be lound ^° *^^^^J^°^^^
shooting at innocent v/omen and children.  &™"ting that the movement
was started by boys educated in the Japanese sohools, it proves be.ond
a doubt that the Japanese educational system la ^olective snd does not
satisfy the needs of the Korean children. The people, *f: ,^^^tor, have
not followed blindly in this movement. They have ^^en driven ^y ^^^ oon-
stant tyranny and oppression of the government to adopt these measures.
However peaoiful a people may be, they resort to vaolenco when driven to
the extremes. This ia a lOoical truth.

This also goes to establish that the Japanese policy of killing the
national foeliSg in the minds of the young Korean and of Japanizing them
is doomed to failure. The Japanese educational system has proved itself
not only to be Useless but alio highly dotrimental to the Korean national

3. The sovernor's statement that the disaffection is due to the fact
that Korean! are nbt given high positions under the government which he
attributes to their want of education is a confession that the Japancoa
do not mean to educate the Koreans properly. How can we be educated v,toen
we are not provided with a single university in Korea, ''^^n all tne high
class Korean institutions aro closed by force, when they are not allowed
to go out for education and when we have been impoverished to the exten.
of destitution? Ihe allegation aa to the Koreans' ^^^biiity to pass the
Japatioso civil service examination ia an attempt to throw the dust into
the eves of the people abroad. Those of the Koreans who have been given
opportunities have made their marks wherever they have been e^^oatea.
The American and the British universities boast of a number of Korean
graduates of distinction. The fact is that tne Japanese do not want us
to participate in the government affairs.

4. There are no professional agitators among the Koreans. The people
are smarting under the iron-rule and their hearts are bleeding  The ex¬
odus of about one-twentieth of the population to foreign countries since
the tlBie of annexation proves that the Japanese rule ^i^^ ^«^^^.°o'^.f J^^f
as highly injurious and to the ruinous nation. Those wno kno- W that
the present riain- originatea right iu Korea under the very noae of the
Japai^ele spies whose number ia aS countless as the stars m heaven.

5, Mr, Editor, do you .agree with the Japanese governor that the prin-
cinle of self-determination v/aS meant only for beligerent nations? If

?t is so,ihen either President Wilaoa has deceived the world ?^ the Jap¬
anese governor has put selfish interpretation on the words oi oho ^reat
AmericSn statesmen. We leave it to you to judge for youiailf.

6, Wo hereby declare moot aolomly that ths missionaries have nothing
to do with our national work and_ that we are quite compgten;LJiL£gj^Ji
our national revolution ~ini"buT-a^/ ejrtersal_iiir^.3ut we are very sorry
Ht^ie Japai^oae, iu aocordan^"rai their craTty and suspicious nature,
have ?iven mmeeessaiy trouble to so many innocent missionaries, "e are
deligft'ted to know that the eyes of the governor have Been opened to this
fact, though very late, after so much in»ustioo has been dono to these
noble men. Vie hope their reapoctive countries will cake JSpan to task
for this unwarranted high-handedness.

Yours truly, A KOl^EAi'.
  Page E17