Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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tain wards of oivHiaatioa ia the Pacific.

Moreover,.nirho are the ^eareohs "responaible." Priiaarllyv-tha-nyffiowrN..^
in charge of^th© detachment, to be sure, but, is he the only xxoa?    What
is Governor-General Hasegawa'e view of his owiijresponsibility in this
matter? He is in absolute command of the military forces of Japan in
Korea. Hence he is the custodian of the lives of its inhabitants, and of
the honor of his countty and hie Sovereign. Only three possible hypo¬
theses present themselves. Either this crime was carried out by his orders,
or it was contarary to his orders, or he had failed to give such instruc¬
tions to his forces -that they could know it was contrary to his will. Let
us exclud<4 the first, for to admit it, in the face of hia reply to the
missionaries would make the Governor-General out to be such a monster b
both of cruelty and of hypocrisy ae we refuse to contemplate. If it was
eontraiy to his orders, we have a lamentable spectacle of weakness and
incompetence, for then we much believe that General Hasegawa has his sol¬
diers 80 poorly under control that his orders are flagrantly disregarded.
That also is hardly credible. The third hypothesis is most acceptable
and agrees with his own declaration, for he assures his interviewers that
nothing of the kind will happen again. He appears quite confident that
a word from him will effectually put a stop to anything of the kind.
That is quite as it should be; but then there remains this question: "Why
was that word not spoken earlier?" The massacre at Suigen took place xaa
weeks after trouble began in Korea. Did it never occur to Gen .Hasegawa
that his troops might need ia struction? Was it left to the judgment of
every corporal or lieutenant in the Japanese army to kill or to save a
alive at his discretion until this outrage in a belated nanner caused it
to occur to Gen. Hasegawa that they might be instructed not to kill and
burn indiscriminately? This only remaining theory really doesn't make
the case much better for the Governor-General of Korea. Nearly 50 men
are dead near Suigen because the Governor-General of Korea thought too
late of ordering that they should not be nurdered.

General Hasegawa strangely enough, seems to feel no responsibility,
Alas, General Hogi was right in saying that the spirit of "Bushido" is
dead. In the old day's samurai who had so brou^t disgrace upon hie
lord would have added point to his apology by committing "haia-kiri,«
If General Hasegawa is too modem to commit suicide (whioh indeed we do
not wish him to do) he should at least have informed the delegation that
waited upon him that he accepted full responsibility for this regrettable
occurrence and that he had already cabled hie resignation to Tokyo, That
would have been a manly thing to do. Such an action would have been xm¬
derstood by every soldier in the Japanese army: and throughout the world.
It is em inane and contemptible business for the Governor-General to de¬
clare ■that the "persona responsible" for the Suigen massacre have been
punished and to ignore his own responsibility.

But is there no further responsibility, beyond that tt the Governor-
General? What about the moral responsibility of the Japanese people at
large? With the deepest concern I have been waiting for the past month,
as, I am sure, have many other friends of Japan, to see whether there
might be moral feeling and atiHpal courage enough in Japan to find .■  •-■' £
expression in a public protest against this outrage. I have waited in,
vain. The Japanese residents in Korea out-number the foreigners many
times over, and among them are men of high education and prominent posi¬
tion. The facts were as accessible to them as to the foreigners, but it ,
was left to the latter to wait upon the Govemor-Ganeral aijd protest again¬
st this orime. Why was there no delegation of prominent Japanese doing
the same thing?

Tokyo is the nerve-center of the anpire, the home of meetings and
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