Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  Apr 27:Page [1]  




Vo.l. CXII, No. 104

,\I.\V YOI.K, N.Y., S..tV1ĩ1.'A-Y, APIĨIL 27, 1968

Negotiations   Over   Tri-Partite   Body    Tenuous;

Brown   and   Carmichael  Appear   at   Hamilton

Two Black Leaders

  Support Strikers


  Black mílĩtant léaders H_ ĩtap

 Brown and Stokeley Carmichael

 .orcibly entered thc campLis early

 yestecday afternoon,. aftcr whieh

 Mr. Broivn  totd a gathering of

 over fivc hundred student.asseni-

 bled outside Hamiiton  Haii, "if

 Ihe Uníversity doesn't  deal with

 our brothers in there, they'rc

 Sĩoíiig to have to deal with the bro-

:itLL'i- iĩi-cikiiií. t\ poliee line

fending the Amsterdam Ave,

trance to College Walk. Tht

ímmediatcly surrounded and es-

covted lo Ilamilton, by a group of

upi.roximately  forty black high

school students and scvoral oilujr



Thc police did t

Mr. Brown stated that íf the

ir demands of the black stu-

,-its formulated Thursday  —

ssation ot the ol

i gymnasíum in  Morníngsidc

.rk, dropping of charge.i .tgain.i

i those arrested for anti-gym-

- allprol

 will c

of negoti

a iiddcd tliai the blaek students

prepared to remuin in Hamil-

"iiidefitiii-ly,"  if their de-

            .1 .lUiclciil-

.ulty for thoî

t black

.uiijii,,s:/oci il

Referendum Resulls

Not to Be Released

  Bruce Schncider '70, cliáirinan

 of Ted Kremer Society and the

       _i stated last nĩght that



ferendum WednesdayandThursday

in which students could vote yes

or  no on each nf six demands

presented by demonstrators to thc

administration. The balloĩ alsoin-

cluded questions on whether  stu-

dents agree with tactics used by

Students for a Democrutic Society

and Students Aíro - Amerkan So-

ciety and whether a student strike

shotild be cailed in favor of the

 Schneider stated that allthebal-

lots vtere not labulated. He  said

tliat siiiLC ccjiditions had changed

so i'upidlyf.lii-oughoutthevotingpe-

City  Ncwspapers

Distort  Prolests


 Most -imencans tend to doubt

allegations that the mass niedla,

if they do not deliberately dis-

Siiidenl Group Aiins

 To Block Amni'stY


  A aroup calling itself the Major-

 ity Coalition and elaiming to re-

 present 20.0 moderate student.

 soughl yeslerday to prevent the

 granting of an amnesty to

 occupying Univcrsiiy buildings.

  Several facully members, inclu-

 ding  l'rofessor of Government

 Warner S. Schillíng and Professor

 voiccd stronfi suppoi-t of the group

 at mectings during the day and

 credited its members wilh iiaving

 helpcd miiinlain peace on thecam-

 pus.  During a press coufereiice

 last night Professoj- Schilli

lon f or


by thc SDS prolesters, Panl Vil-

ardi, spokesman foi- the oriranlza-

tion, announced support uf thelac-

ulíy  proposal for a Tri-Partite

600 Policemen  Occupy University

S'ITI.I.. R(i

Body  of Five  Students. Five Professors.

 And  Two Adminislralors Is Proposed

    't'lií'  tlircc Jitfttlty tnctitlh-i-i u/jj' /,'íjj-,  lictii ííc:::■tiitíin:: ■■■:iti: ./:c

..'l'.'j.'J'.'.ví.-.i-.di-j jc /.'■■ ntt-'i./ iti tltt' J'ticttity til I  u.iiĩ. ttnluy tltít! tltt'y un:

■uukniy j/i'iv htt! cnccitrjyiny nrcí'icss ĩu iltt'ĩr ttiiks. immctittnclv tit'lcr-

wurJ. Mtirk /.:.(/,/ tnlii t'itc \tinu: yjntipi .;'.>,,'. titc :i,:i:.. .jj..ruinrs urc sl/ll

askin.i; j'nf iitiiiics.'y. 'l'hc iucalty triii iTC"itrí m: ttt I today.


  Segotiations beíween faeulty and stuclents on a íaculty

in-cj[)osal  for a tri-partite  committeo and judicial

l.oartl  to deal  witli  the demonstralions ol' the pasl

four days coiitinuecl wilh litllc prtjspeel ol' reso_ut_a__

late iast mghf.

  'l'hs-  pi-oposal, which  named a committce ol" íive

Coliuge sluclents,  í'ivc lacuíty  menitjers, anci two ad-

íninist.ratnrs. called  for Ihe trî-partite group a) to

"formulate principles" for the  punishment ol' all

sUidenls  involved  in  the demonstralion. listing a

specific  pc.nnliy  for each  spccinc act;  ;md b) to

 ............       "   "'  'ssignate on  appellate

                        larcl  svith l.inding auth-

                        -ily  Lo review iiny dis-

                        plinary aetion taken by

!!;,:: >■

II [■■.!

u-tliei- withtheadmin

i\e will talk with a

 l-'nllowiiig Rudd's sta

.ed faculty m.mbers,

-, ĩ .n.i.111 ii.irl ~
  Apr 27:Page [1]