Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  Apr 29:Page [1]  




Vul. CXII, No. 106

NfiW YOHK, N.Y., MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1968


List  of   Six   Proposals   by   Ad   Hoc  Faculty   Panel

Apparently  Rejected  by  Administration,  Strikers

 Majority Coalition ĨIJÊ'' :>fg'^^^^^XåsÊiÆk  mjL^H^^ ^jSft J  PoliceAction L nlikelyToday;

   fílockades Low  ^^^^^t^ff^S^Í^B^^I^£}S^!^m^^^^m    CL Ciosedfor Fourth Day

                                                                            By ROBERT FRtEDMAN

                                                                      A líst of six proposals approved al-

                                                                    most unanimously by the ad hoc faculty

                                                                    commit ee ycsterday morning as a hope-

                                                                    îul resolution of the six-day-old crisis

                                                                    at Columbia, has so far had no success

                                                                    in breaking the  current negotiations


                                                                      H appeared, however, that negotia-

                                                                    tions and reconsideraîĩons will  be able

                                                                    to continue  at least  through the day

                                                                    without interfem.ce by the police. The

                                                                    University will be closed today  for the

                                                                    fourth consecutive day.

                                                                      The proposals of the ad hoc íaculty eomtnittee had

                                                                    not, by early this morning, beenmctwithany approval

                                                                    by either the adminislration or the strihing students.

                                                                              Both the admínistra.ion and the

                                                                              students have apparently rejected

                                                                              tho proposals of the faculty group,

                                                                               The faculty proposals reeom-

                                                                              mt.nded tbe establishment of two

lenge [rom an opposi

knovtn as the Majorit)

 The chalĩenge occttrt


ibers of the o_)_jo. it im group

I iii) shoulder-to-shoulder in-

 ĩhc shrubbcry around the

 side of Loiv Library and al-

he second floor of tln; build-

ft-om the rosi of the campus.

 midnight, mcmhers  of the

plic. and persomel

Coalition Challenges Low Strikers

              with tt

gymnasium and the other to deal

ivith discipline-as 'ivhat we be-

lieve may be the last possibllity

of peaceful settlement."

 The proposed dísciplinary com-

init.k'i: is'íjnld inciludf l'iwslud.til...,

f ive faculty mcmbors, and two ad-

     likima:. jutllrial review.'

    r to give the board this

     the faculty group recom-

           in the Univer-

 f\s part of the rccominendations

on discipline, the faculty group

ttrgcd tliat a "neiv approach of col-

lective responsibility be adopted,"

and that -uniform penalties be ap-

    i all violators."  According

   ; of the faculty group, this

 eoommendation wonld make it im-

       suspend or e.pel any

   >l' llii' lariilly


Protesters in Each Building

Develop Separate  Defenses


b'ers, and suppiies

 Last night, demonstrators in .

Mathema.ics tiedfirehosesacross

     duonsay- uf thr ijiiilciiii:;.

 According to  a 9:00 report,



on the entrances to tho building,

and all doors werebarrlcadedwith

deshs, chalrs, and tabtes, I.em'-

onstrators  also  said  they ivere

planning to use fire eftinguishers

Ihem slippery.  An undetermined

      the protejitc'i- indicatod

support for vîolent resistance to

police if they atteinpt to enter'.

 Other students stated they were

planning to engage' In nonviolent

fosistance, such^as sjttlng doivn

   (Cuntimi-d on Pogc 7>
  Apr 29:Page [1]