Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  Apr 29:Page 2  



  contempotary Mexican

village life filmed tliis year


                          the fílm record of the reknown

                          Cornell Uníversity Vicoe Exper-

                          iment: - how Peruvian Indian

                          serfs, legally boutici to their ha-

                          ciendfc land for 400 years, were

                          guided into status as a freehold



                      Eisenstein's film on Mexico (pirated

                      __ edited by Stembeck) the resistance

                      of villagers lo government sponsered


                      754 with CUĨD      Thursday May 2n

  Elhnographíc Cinema no 7

    501 Schermerboru Hail           SPECIAL SHOWINGS

at 4 p.m. anil 8 p.m.

Majority   Coalition  Desires

Return   to   Normalcy  Here


ii.d fiom Page 1)

■f the


faculty attí administration in their

efforts to reach a settiement, The

group also supported the tri-par-

tite planforstudent-facultyadmin-

istration control of dlscipline.

  In  ori^nizing   and  conducting

yesterday"s demo.strationat Low

non-vĩolenoe was (he príme guide

line according to members of the

steering committee,  At several

times, even when provoked thode-

                Columbia ath-

non-athletes and a large contingent

f-omtheUwandB-smes.. ■■!":.

and thc  other Graduale Schools.


  membersare VilardÍ,Tony

one '70, Bob Wolfe '68, Franĩ.

      and  Bruee Bono '68.

  Once tbe coalition members had

reached  Low  Library they an-

nounced that they woutd no longer

allow more food or demonstrators

into the building.  Despite faculty

protests, the grotip blocliaded Low.

One member of the  group stated


i Iiave all th

  The 350 demonstrators, whoare

blochíng passage between Low and

the campcis, are lined up along the

west stde of the building. Commu-

nieations and orders  are in the

hands of approximately 20 mar-


City   Leaders   Ask

Mayor  to  Inlervene

In  Columbia  Crisis

  Leonard N. Cohen Deputy Bo-

rough  Presídent  of Manhattan,

State    Assemhlyman   Jerome

Kretchmer, and democratic  dis-

trict leader RaymondCuenterpro-

posed last nlght that a committee

made up of metnbers of the  New

York City government should at-

tempt to mediate a settiement in

Columbla's student strikc.

  The three were among sixteen

city leaders who signedatelegram

calling on Mayor Lindsay to use

his "calm judgement" to help re-

solve ĩhe student strike here.

  The telegramcautionedthat'or-

derlng thepolicetoejectphysically

thc students could only cause  vio-

ience on the campcis and clearly

inerease tensions in thesurround-

                The  tolegram

nded  ,


construction of the gymnasn

transferred  to a site olher tlian

Morningside Park."

  Mr. Kretchmer said last nighl,

         _ a distant enough party

   ;iiU'crivc-]s- help  tn the media-

       iiĸl added that "Colum.ia
  Apr 29:Page 2