Crisis at Columbia

([New York :  Columbia Spectator,  1968])



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  May 2:Page [1]  




\ ol. CXII, Xo. 109



Strike  by   Students   and  Faculty   Gains  Momentum;

Trustees   Express  Willingness   to   Consider   Change

Ten Students Hurt at Amsterdam  Gate

  ĩn Melee Following Rally for Strike


  Students and  policc btittlea v.tch ofliui _i__iiin on campus yesterduy

afternoon in a  fifteen-mínute melee on College Walk near the

St, und i\msterd:im Avenue gate.

  One student,  Paul NycIcij, Im.uIuí.L- !■ .iltcHícs, ivas treatod and rc-

leased at St. I.ulses' iil'tej- l.tici scciffles.and líob_rt Munson '71,

ĸ'il.  Nyden h;:d "sovui-o scclp I:ictt:i(íciiis isliich isill ic'i|iiii,i'

c.i:i-;di'i-.iblu ~ii)-ni:.y,"íiij; l<, a :ui.--c islĸ, t|-c:iLcd iiiin ;it Uic'

Earl Hall medical station. Nínc other studonts were trcated for minor

siijui-ii.'.. iii Ltirl  I....1, stie said.

  Three  polĩcemen ivere ulso injurcd, but the ejttent of the injuries

  The melee began after a croivd of  1-1)0 studcnts and community

dcmonstriitors outslde the gatcs is'erc ndclrcs-cd Ijv sijc. acj'' iiĸliiclini:

Charles  Kenyatta, leader ot the Ilarlem  Mau -Maus, iind .Mai-k Itudd


  As people congregated on the corner of Amsterdam and. 116th St.,

students  began  to drift over from a sundial rally being condueted by

strike supporters. At 2 p.m., a detachment of thirty-five police filed

onto the campus to  joĩn approximately tivcnty-fivc officers already

positioned around the gate.

  gtudents jeered at the police as they entered  the campus, shouting

"cops must go"  and obscenicies. uiTicers Ujj:.ui aticm.itiiif' lo elcai- tlie

area, asking students to step  baclc fiom the galc. .Miĸicnis cc

move,   and  some,  lining  the soutli  edge oftollege -Vnlk, linKcii

'arms and starlod to shout "cops musl go."  The i.nli.0 Idj-kji'cI .1 'iVl'cIjjc

_jid began piisliit.:. ihc I:nc <>' si'.icicnis back.

  ■ú'ser.i) sccidents shoved police-'

men back, and one threiv a rollcd-

up newspaper at an advancing of-

fícer.   Police  then  began using

niglitsticks, as  the crowd surged

over College Walk.

  One student,  who attempted to.

strilte a policeman, ivasgrabbedby

four ofĩicersandaplainclothesman

and rammed into the wall of Ham-

ilton Hall, then  clubbed and kieked

as he fell to the ground. "Iwant

him,* the plainclothesman said.

  íinother student jumped from a

Hamilton windoiv ledge onto  the

back of Uie plaínclothesman, who

was apparently an inspector. He'

ivas also clubbed.

  A deputy  inspeetor later tolií

reporters that the police had re-.

ceived no orders from Columbia

officials to clearCollegeW'alk.and

had not beenauthorĩzed iousetheir


n 3)

11 Divisions  Cancel Classes  Today

 Eleven divisions of tho Univer-

sity  will  suspend classes until


 The College, Hai'nard, Graduate

Faeulties, tlie Enginoering School,

the School of International Affairs,

the Graduate  Scliool of Rusíness,

the School of Social Worlt, the

School of Líbrary  Service, and

Union Tlieological Seminary will

close at least until islonday.

 In addition, the Rusiness School

eommittce on instruetion cancelled

final examinations for the spring

semester, and cxtendcd classes

through May 31). Students ivill be

evaluated  on the basis  of pcr-

formiini-e on other svork.

 No classes will be held today at

the LawSchool, Teachers College,

the School of General Studies, or

the School of the Arts. It is un-

  ■stood that  thesc sciaols

clecide  today  ivhether t.

 T'he Journalism Sehool and the

Jewisli Theological Seminary are

the only schools on the Morning-

side campus open today.

 In announcing the cancellation

of College classes, the

on instructioh urged faculty

bers 'to arrange meetings

students in order to foster

            een faculty  and


 Georgo  K. í'.raonkcl, doan ol

the Graduate I'aculties, called off

classes after an informal meeting

_f departmental  cliairinen drafted

        .e to tho Colloge eom-

Residents  March  In  Protest

Of  Gymnasium   Construction


eluding many of the Columbia stu-

dents  arrested in Hamilton Hall

Puesday, marehed peacefully out-

side campus last night, protestĩng

.■iijisij'i.iciion of the Coli

.s arrested i

ipport for


 Victor Solomon,  head of  the

larlem chapter  of the Congress

f Itacial Equality,  organized the

  Morningside residenĩs, most of

them whĩto, also held an anti-gym

rally last night. Gathering at the

          e'r of Broniliv:i.v anc

Dropping Charges

  Asked by Panel

      Ity PAUL STARR

  General  support for a

student strike   motinted

yesterday   at   crowded

meetings    in  McMíllan

Theater  and   Wotiman

Auditorium,  as  depart-

ments,    schools,   and

campus    organizations

joined the original stri-

kers  and  the  Co.umbi-

University StudentCoun-

cîl  in calling for a boy-

cott of classes.

  Late  last   night  the

Trustees    concluded  a

meeting with. the  Exe-

cutive  Commĩttee of the

Joint  Faculties  and ap-

pointed a "Soecial Com-

mittee    of ĩhe  Board

to study and recommend

changes  in  the basic

structure   of   the Uni-

versity."   Their official

statement requested "all

students and faculty  to

resume  their  scholarly

activities 'so that fhepre-

sence   of  poĩíce can b.e

ended and the University

return to its work of con-

tributing to learning, sci-

ence and social improve-

ment."    _.      .'     . .

  The  executwe committee  hao

earlier yesterday  recommended

that all charges brought by  the

Trustees against students arres-

ted  Tuesday morning, for tres-

passing and resisting arrest, be

dropped.  No mention of thls  was

made by  the Trustees' statement

yesterday fromtheadminlstration.

  The ColumbialJniversĩtyStudent

Countil also endorsed the drop-

pĩng of  all criminal complaints

against students and faculty. More-

over, the Council asked tliat  'no

further disciplinarya.tionbetaken

by this adminĩstratlon under pre-

sent rules of discipline."

posed primarily of Harlem resi-

dents. °We arc holding off on

terroiism at the gym slte," Mr..

Solomon  said, adding, 'When it

bccomes necessary, we wlll un-

leash the radieal elements."

  Community    demonstrators,

about 150 strong, left the offiee

of  llarlem CORE at  307 West

125th Street and marched throuh

Morningside Park, arriving In the

vicinity of the carapus  about 8:15

p.m.  The croivd, which quichly

swelled to about 400,  proceeded

north on  Broadway to !20 St,

then north. on Amsterdam  Ave.

              Harlem area.

The 1

1 foot a

patrol ears, clianged "If the g>'m

goes up, Columbĩa goes doivn,"

and "Ilarlem supports Columbia

students.* ĩilr. Solomon said that

Brutalityon TuesdayDenied,

Police  Praised   by  Trustees

                   uv íirpm onAT 1.

n mmi 1,':

 Several   Trustees  yestcrday

praised theconductof theNew Yorlt

Citj' police Tncsday morning in

clearing five student-hcld build-

ings, and  said tltat they had not

heard of  íncidents of brutaiity,

 Dr. Frode Jensen, who said tht

he  liad  tailccd to some students

on  the  campus the cvening after

the violence, statcd, "l refuse to

accept the fact that there was any

ijniiciiiiy. iiici'e iva.s uot."



E the


,f ihe n

lie anticipated the Trustees would

soon take,  Alan II. Temple, a

Trustee, ej.pla.ned thathehadsup-

ported the statementby Mr. Peter-

sen  made Saturday and that he

would continue to support it since

by tl

           referred to by Mr,

i'emple gave strong support to the

Columbia adminlstration and gave

rcstore order 0 n  the campus,

 ^esterdaj', ttefore the Trustees'

meeting,  Mr. Pelersen said that
  May 2:Page [1]