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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
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gotten very careful because they've gotten burned so often.

One of the things that Cardinal Spellman had complained several times about were our John O'Hara books. At that time, John was really way out ahead in writing sex episodes and using four-letter words and whatnot. Now his books are mild in comparison with the stuff that's coming out. But then they were quite, daring. You remember that A Race to Live was considered very gamey because it had a very detailed story of a seduction, described rather graphically. Neither the Cardinal nor the Legion were too pleased with the O'Hara books. Finally I said, “He's one of your boys. Why don't you talk to him? I'd like to bring John over to lunch. Would you like to have him?” The Cardinal said, “I'd love to meet him.” I told this to John, wondering how he'd react. He was delighted. So John came. John drove up in his Rolls Royce and parked it, and we walked across the street to the Cardinal's for lunch. I said, “Now, John, please don't go off the handle or some- thing.” I remember John saying, “Which one of us is the Catholic? You don't have to tell me how to behave.”

Whenever I went over to the Cardinal's house, one of the maids would open the door and I would wait for the Cardinal to come downstairs to the little reception room. This time, when I rang the bell, the Cardinal opened the door himself. He had been waiting. He was a little nervous about this meeting too. I said, “Your Eminence, this is Mr. John O'Hara.” John bent over and kissed his ring and

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