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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
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box office, but now, within twenty-four hours, because of the Cardinal's ad, it attracted lines two blocks long. This taught the Cardinal a lesson. He admitted to me that he had never even seen the picture. He had been told that it was dirty. But he said, “I'll never make that mistake again. I realize that I gave that picture just the publicity that it needed. That was a great mistake. I will not make it again.” He was very careful after that.

A few years later we did a book by Honor Tracy, called The Straight and Narrow Path--one of the funniest books that I ever read. It was a story of a little Irish village and the priest in the village. Honor Tracy was sent over by the London Times to write up life in a little Irish village, and she encountered these fascinating people. The priest had two new bathrooms in his house. The rest of the town was starving to death, and it turned out that the priest was really using all of the money for his own purposes. Honor Tracy, who is a Catholic herself, wrote this hilarious book. The chapters were published first in the London Times, and the Church in Ireland promptly sued the London Times for libel. Well, the London papers had learned long before that when the Church in Ireland sued for anything, you settled at once. You had about as much chance of winning a case against the Church in Ireland, as I would have of beating Rocky Marciano in the ring. So they settled immediately and apologized to the Church for these stories, saying that they were untrue; whereupon Honor Tracy sued the London Times,

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