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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
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Session:         Page of 1029

And we both backed out. This was the only time in my life I met Nicholas Murray Butler.


Did you heed his words?


I managed to evade him from them on.


Did you change the policy of the Jester at all? Do you think you got more circulation?


Well, there were a couple of funny things. One incident I'll tell you about. I started a drama column--to get free tickets. Then I thought, “This is my chance to meet one of my film heroines, Norma Talmadge.” So I wrote Norma Talmadge that I wanted to interview her for the Columbia Jester, and a letter came setting up a date. Well, the whole campus knew I was going to meet Norma Talmadge, I want to tell you that: I was so darn excited about it. But when the day came for the date, I lost my nerve; I was afraid to meet her. Isn't that ridiculous? I never went. I faked the interview. I wrote a glowing interview--made the whole thing up and ran it in the Jester and sent copies down to Norma Talmadge. I got a warm letter from her in return saying she had enjoyed meeting me so much and that the interview was masterful and she hoped we'd meet some day again soon. This letter was framed and put up in the Jester office.

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