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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
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Session:         Page of 1029

serge. This was the great Horace Liveright. Isn't that a sad story? And a few days later he died. This was in September, 1933. At first he caught a cold. He was such a shadow that a cold--


Did you ever go around and see him?


I went once, yes, and I wrote a piece about him for the Publishers‘Weekly. I'm very proud of this piece because I took pains with it. I'll show it to you. We'll find it somewhere. This piece created quite a lot of attention because it was quite different from the usual run of things in the Publishers‘Weekly.


Also, you probably showed a different feeling about him than some people had the idea of.


At the funeral ceremony, so few of his old friends came. Here was this man who to me represented glamor and glory in the publishing business fading out as a nonentity.


A broken man.


Yes. It was a very sad story.


Was he excited at your success?

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