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Edward KocheEdward Koche
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 617

and suddenly these four people walk in, and I know immediately who they are, but I don't say anything -- I just continue. The conversation goes something like this: “We'd like to see Congressman Koch.” My receptionist says, “Do you have an appointment?” “No.” “Who are you?” “We are with the U.S. Labor party.” I then say, “You want to see me, right?” “Yes.” “You can't. I will not meet with you. Send me a memorandum. I'll be happy to look at your memorandum. I just think you people are nuts and I'll not meet with you. I'll read your stuff.”

So then they begin to raise their voice. One of them says, “You are sitting on your brains.” (laughs) And it was a woman, a young woman. I have said this to people. I have found that the vilest women are viler than the vilest men. I've mentioned that to some people, and they say, “It's only because you're unaccustomed to vileness in women to that degree of intensity and therefore the shock of it is one that causes you to come to that conclusion.” I suppose they're right. But that's my experience: that a really vile, vicious woman in politics is viler than a really vile, vicious male in politics -- who can be pretty vile.

Anyway they become sort of loud about it, and I say to my staff member: “Get the cops. Okay, call them up -- I want them out.” And they go to the phone and call the office of building personnel, the security people. And at that point

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