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Edward KocheEdward Koche
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Session:         Page of 617

about the CDV. I think it was then called the CDV (Committee of Democratic Voters), which then became the NDC (National Democratic Coalition) after McCarthy's campaign. I wanted to be sure that they did not endorse him, put him on their literature because it was a city-wide reform group, and they did not. They made sure that he didn't get any advantage out of that.

So I got a telegram from Kennedy with respect to my race at one point. I just don't remember exactly at what point that was, but it was a takeoff on my telegram to him and it went: “Congratulations, and remember Kennedy is for you.” It was a takeoff on mine -- a reversal. It was nice to get.

I must say that the Kennedy people were not so good, because I did have a problem in getting the endorsement of the Liberal party. One of the people in that race seeking endorsement was the former Assemblyman: I've repressed his name. His father was a member of the Liberal party on the upper east side. He withdrew from the Assembly last year. I can't think of his name now. Was an excellent Assemblyman, and he wanted to be the Congressman. He works in the Costikyan law firm -- Paul Weiss. Or did work. He now has his own law firm.

Anyway he wanted to get the designation of the Liberal party and then become the Democratic candidate in that way, and I had sought to get him out of the race, so to speak, when he was floating the story that the Kennedys were supporting him. I called Sorensen and I said, “Peter Berle [that's his

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