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hearings on it, write to So-and-So” -- which will be a chairman or sub-committee chairman of the appropriate Congressional committee -- “urging hearings and send me a copy of your letter.”
I get hundreds of letters. In fact, I had one issue relating to housing, and the Secretary of Housing at that time was Romney. I was supporting some legislation that I had introduced to create more housing, and people would write in to Romney and send me copies of the letters that they had sent to him. I got a call from his office -- a member of my staff reported it to me. The call went something like this: “What is Congressman Koch handing out at the subway? We are getting letters saying, ‘Support Congressman Koch's bill.”’ Which was very nice to hear. I don't know how the chairmen feel about having to answer all these letters, but I've never gotten a complaint from any of them that they're being overburdened.
We want to get into this later on when the chronology calls for it, how you set up your office and your relationship to your constituents. But let's go back to Mississippi and pick up where we left off there.
Well, the cases were ultimately dismissed, and, as I say, I was there for about eight days. Now, the last day I was there, there was a picnic -- I was not at it -- of the black and white... they were called COFO workers. I was one of them. It had to do
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