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stupid of Bert not to ask me, but he never did.
Do you know why he never asked you?
No. Maybe he didn't think it would be helpful, but that would be an additional stupidity, because I am helpful in my district.
To go back to your remarks about Puerto Rico and statehood, do you believe that Americans would want Puerto Rican independence if it were at the price of giving up bases, military bases?
Oh, sure. I don't think that's a big deal, not at all.
What about the people in government? Let's think of the Navy use of Culebra off Puerto Rico.
We don't need it anymore.
It just stopped. We broke our promise on that.
But ultimately we kept it. I just don't happen to believe that that's a major problem. We still have a base in Guantánamo, right? I don't think that's a big deal at all.
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