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Edward KocheEdward Koche
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 617

is to protect your head.” (laughs) It was really sweet, but really sweet.

Just one other little vignette about these people at MANA. We opened up a storefront for MANA. Wally raised money in the community, and we got 1100 members -- each paid a dollar. It was really fantastic. At one point at one of our meetings the captain of the 6th Precinct, asked to come and see us. He wanted to make a request that we support some project of his. So he comes. It's in the evening. Wally is there and Dina and Nick and Harry and others. And the cop says, “We have to clean up the smut and the dirty book stores and the button shop is selling these obscene buttons, and I would ask that your committee bring complaints against the button store.”

Now, I had early on said to the group there: “Listen, I am for cleaning up the street -- I am not for getting into censorship.” This is months before this captain came, because I know how easy it is for a group like this to become a vigilante group. I wanted to make it clear at the beginning that I'm not getting into that bag. And they have acceded to that. So we had never gotten into the question of smut, of what were the shows in any of these places. It was the noise, the crowds, the illegal occupancy, not having certificates of occupancy. Those were the things -- not the quality or nature of the shows or the button shop in this case that I was going to be involved in -- and they agreed.

Now we move to the captain. The captain says, “This button

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