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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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This is true, but I still say that it took this particular effort to start to get Federal funds and that if this effort hadn't been made, there probably would not be much more in Federal funds as of this moment, because I don't know where the effort would have come from. I see no other people who rushed in to join us, nor do they do it now without a great deal of goading from us, and there are many people who decry the amount of money there is for research.


Yes, I know. Well, it was a happy thing to get the Cancer Society, which was already in the field, as a base for Federal operations. Was this your idea?


It was my idea, but my husband embraced it and sold it. Without him, I wouldn't have gotten it sold.


How did you happen to come by that idea?


Well, it seems to me that it's very obvious: if you're interested in getting more money in an area and you are interested in Federal funds for research, after you've worked with a voluntary society on a major problem like cancer, you see, well, there should also be Federal money.


This whole area of Federal money for research was in its infancy and just opening up.


Well, it was just opening up because we opened it up;

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