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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


As you envisioned this program, was it only for the doctor or did it also include the psychiatric worker.


To train more workers. It was for more workers and for more workers to do research in the hospitals to see which drugs would work, which dosages were best, to establish laboratories, to make a bigger research effort. (Jane, can you find the actual amount that was voted for research and training that year?)

In order to support our point of view about more funds for research on the state level, we talked to Mrs. Schiff, the publisher of the New York Post, and Wechsler wrote an excellent editorial. (Jane, please find the editorial.)

All together, I felt that the appointment of Hoch and his program was an outgrowth of our interest and activities in the mental health field and the work and activities in New York State can have an influence in the whole country, and has had an influence.

I actually gave a special fund of $9,000 for additional statistical help to the State Department of Mental Hygiene so they could keep accurate figures on the results of Thorazine and reserpine treatment in various state hospitals, because they actually didn't have any statistical department in which to find out whether people were being discharged or not as a result of treatment with the drugs. There was so little hope from any specific treatment that they just didn't have statistical help to out the figures together, and I supplied it for one year.

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