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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


Yes, yes. But also they were really were spinsters who didn't take an interest in this problem.


Also, they didn't like to touch the subject.


That's right.


On the whole Katerine Lenroot was a fairly...


Was said to be a good administrator. But as this was my own experience with her, I thought she was very shortsighted.

Now, in the section that I did in our efforts to get more action for the mentally ill in New York State, I came across this note of October 19, 1955. I went to Albany with Jane McDonough for a Conference on Ageing called by Governor Harriman. My section on mental health was just about to adjourn when I came in with the suggestion that the Mental Health Committee recommend 10 million dollars for research and training in mental illness. This took Drs. Moe Kaufman, George Stevenson and Lemkau by surprise, but they went along in recommending it. This was the only section of the Conference that made any specific money recommendations. Dr. Hoch was present, and I had a talk with him. He's become sophisticated and quite sure of himself administratively, and I am was sure will be an effective Mental Health Commissioner.

I then returned to the Governor's Mansion where Marie and Averell Harriman were holding a reception for the members

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