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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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nomination in '60. I thought this was a great mistake because I think what you're going to do should be a matter of conjecture and you should be able to decide yourself what you're goingto do later. At any rate, Finletter had more influence than I did in this matter, and his position prevailed.


Mrs. Lasker, just as a kind of footnote: I've often wondered what kind of condolences one uses at a gathering on the evening of an election when the candidate is defeated. What do you say?


There really is nothing to say. You just have to feel sympathetic.

The night after the defeat Mrs. Dick gave a dinner at her house in Lake Forrest, and Florence Mahoney and I went with Bill Blair to visit his parents' home and its wonderful indoor tennis court, a very chic and beautiful court trimmed with ivy, and to see his brother who was a very imporant businessman in Chicago. Bill Blair said to his brother, who's a Republican, “We're just passing by on our way to a Democratic rally.” This seemed terribly funny at the time that we were in the depths of despair and defeat.

After that Florence Mahoney and I went to stay at Libertyville for a day or two, where there was also Mrs. Ives, Stevenson's sister, and Mrs. Tree came for a day or so. I remember that Harrison Salisbury was the only important newspaperman who was around. When you think that he'd been followed by maybe

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