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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Education Committee for a Free World. At first, David Lloyd didn't want to spend more than part time on the job but I decided that I would hire another person to do additional work so that there'd be two paid staff members at least, and that we would try to find areas in which we could advance new ideas in major areas.


Was this to be located in Washington?


Yes. This had really started in my mind early in the spring of '58 perhaps because I felt that Stevenson, who was the national spokesman for the Democratic Party, was working at his law business and had nobody to do any research work for him, no staff at all, and that if I had a staff that was doing some work, maybe he would use some of the material in speeches.


We, in a sense, was to be an outlet.


Yes, he was to be an outlet for this.

Now, Stevenson went away and I sent him a cable about David Lloyd, who was available to do some work, and he replied to me in some vague way, which really turned out to mean that he didn't like Dave Lloyd or wouldn't use him, although I had tried to get someone that he did like, a man at Oberlin College who had done some work for him before, but this man would have had to resign his professorship at Oberlin, So, I couldn't get him and I found that I could get Lloyd. Then when Stevenson got home, it turned out that he didn't particularly like Lloyd or had something

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