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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

On the 21st of June in 1940 Albert and I were married in City Hall of New York City by Judge Church. I remember it was a very unimportant-looking ceremony, with a judge who had left the court and brought his robes down in a newspaper, and he had two very bedraggled-looking clerks who stood up. The ceremony was the most minimum thing I've ever seen. We didn't even have any personal witnesses; the two clerks were our witnesses.


You had no personal friends with you then?


Oh, no, this was supposed to be a great secret.


Why did you want to keep it such a secret?


Because if it hadn't been a secret, we would have had to have an enormous wedding with a great many friends and relatives involved, and it was just more than we wanted to do.

I remember the judge said, “I believe this is all that's required under the laws of the State of New York. Two dollars, please.”

After this we went on a short honeymoon on a small yacht that Albert had chartered up on Long Island Sound. And then we went to the Republican Convention in Philadelphia. Albert was a delegate from Illinois, and he helped to swing the delegation of Illinois for Willkie. Now, this was actually a very key move

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