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Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416 of 999
Yes, which we highlighted in our awards.
These task forces are in various hospitals throughout the country?
Yes, the task force is a group of men who pass on and recommend grants or contracts to individuals in various hospitals in the country or medical schools. They're not always clinical.
The commission you serve on, being the only woman on the commission, does that have cognizance of the task force?
Yes, but believe it or not the chairman is against the establishment of any more task forces. He wants to see how the ones he's got established come out. Of course, you're sure to find something out by establishing them because you're sure to get some results, and even if they're negative you find something out. Imagine wasting the time to not immediately start, because other types of cancer have been helped by combinations of therapy.
A somewhat leisurely approach.
Yes, imagine not starting groups or task forces in all major cancer sites.
You started to say you had a meeting here.
We had a meeting here to establish a task force or group for cancer of the pancreas on the 20th of December. Dr. Rauscher was here, Dr. Pollard, who was interested --
Raucher's the head of the -
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