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Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499 of 999
Oh, yes. Well, that is about it. Oh no, another very interesting meeting I had was with Percy Sutton in Manhattan, the borough president of Manhattan. I believe he was interested in being mayor. Anyway he's a black who is very outgoing and very personable, and we discussed the possibility of trying to plant the whole of Manhattan with trees in honor of the Bicentennial. I urged him to have a survey made. He asked about making a survey and said he'd see if he could do it, and I'm still calling his office to find out if the survey has started, on exactly how many trees are really needed to plant the borough. Wouldn't it be a joy? If the whole thing were planted solidly with trees?
I was going to ask you if you'd made anyprogress with the new Parks Commissioner, Mr. Weisl?
No.Not at all. He's a very nice man, but he doesn't know how to get money from the city. I figure that Mr. Percy Sutton probably knows better how to get money from Mr. Beame, especially as Mr. Beame has 45 million dollars in the bank that he didn't know about.
He didn't know about it.
This would only cost 12 of it.
Well, that is really about the net of it. That I can think of. Or even Jane can think of..
Well, I can think of a few other things.
Oh, good.
Last time in January you talked about the great fashion show at
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