Part: 12 Session: 145678910111213141516171819202122 Page 1234567891011121320212223242526272829303132 of 999
Interview # 1
It's been a whole year, Mrs. Lasker, since last you recorded any of your experiences and your very active career in official Washington, pursuing some of the projects you have indicated heretofore. I wonder if we can catch up a little today? Will you begin by talking about some of the significant meetings that you have a record of during this past year?
Well, I think it would be better to deal with the meetings in another session, and just deal with the things that got accomplished.
All right, let's approach it from that angle -- what was accomplished.
I'd like to organize the meetings a little better.
What was accomplished during the past year, as a result of your own individual efforts.
Well, as you know, I don't get very much done alone. Everything is done as a result of interesting somebody else in
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