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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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article on this drug. It makes the point that there are so many people in the field, including Revlon.


Oh, sure, they are trying to make Canterll type interferon.

You know, Isadore Rosenfeld is a great friend of mine, and he was very skeptical about the whole thing. However, we finally got him interested in it, and he is a friend of the head of Revlon, and the head of Revlon thought it was a very good idea, and he's got people making the Cantell type interferon, not the frozen dried, liquid, in his company. They have some pharmaceutical companies that they control, and they are interested in purchasing -- I heard that they were interested in purchasing a big company.

Now I just heard that Shell is interested in purchasing a company.


Shell Oil?


Shell Oil. They are interested, I heard, in purchasing a company called Cetus, which is an important company in San Francisco. In San Francisco and the people in Los Angeles, the scientists there have gotten on to this whole thing, and it's a horse race.


Cetus is mentioned in that article from Business Week also.

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