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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

I don't know, it's a whole miraculous explosion of new ideas.


Yes. There was a conference in New York...


And what I am dying to do is to get the brains of the people at Baylor (University) tied up with the people at M. D. Anderson which is a cancer hospital, and which hasn't got the basic research depth that Baylor has. But there is one man at Baylor who is against interferon because four or five years ago he went on a trip to Sweden to see Strander's work, and is convinced that it was no good. He was hostile to the idea of anything like that being any good. He decided it wasn't, so he is hostile still to the idea, and he's kept the people at Baylor doubting, you know.


What about this other combined interferon which I came across in an article in the New York Times?


I am so glad you've been reading all this. Doesn't it excite you?


Yes, it does.


I mean don't you think it's absolutely extraordinary that this whole thing is developing?

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