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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

make it for a mouse you have to make mouse interferon. A mouse is not influenced by our interferon.


Mice blood is not . . .


Mouse blood does not make the same.


It's not human.


You have to have mouse interferon, and you have to have cat or dog interferon. You can get a response in some monkeys with human interferon but in general it's species specific. (pause)

Well, if this is true they can make anti-immune interferon just as they make tamoxifen, which eliminates estrogen. You know some people who have certain kinds of breast cancer have too much estrogen, and a drug called tamoxifen cancels out estrogen. If they know how to do that for estrogen, they can do it for anything. (pause)

(Mrs. Lasker is probably perusing the article mentioned)


You didn't get this from (for?) me, did you?


No, no, no, no.


I wonder, could I have a Xerox of this?

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