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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 999


That's a blessing really.


Isn't that a blessing?


Because it's such a psychological shock.


A psychological shock. And it's much less of an operation, too, you know. It's much better. Also, a Dr. Cooper of Buffalo showed that a combination of drugs given over a period of time to people who have had cancerous nodes as an extension of breast cancer gave a prolonged survival, something in the area of 65% for six or seven years. But this has also been shown by Cooper and Holland with another combination of drugs, which include . .


Is this Mt. Sinai?


Yes. Mt. Sinai is Holland, and Cooper is in Buffalo General Hospital. That combination of drugs is methatrexate, cytoxin, 5 FU, prednisone, and vincristine. And that shows a very substantial protection for people who had the really ominous symptom of having it extend into the nodes of the arm. It gives a protection of about 65 to 67% for seven years. This is much better than has ever been seen before. Interferon provides additional protection in some cases.

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