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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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be successful or not.


And you're trying to be an example, I mean a guinea pig.


Well, actually I got it first because the man that discovered Vitamin B in the early '30s (his name is Roger Williams; he's now 87) has improved his coronary output immeasurably in taking it. And if you improve your coronary output, which always declines with aging, it's really a great thing to do, because otherwise you just finally die of coronary deficiency.. insufficiency. So I'm interested in that. I'd be interested in their getting more money so that they could do clinical trials on these things. But Butler has had offers from other people, and I hope to goodness he isn't going to go along with them, because if anything is going to come of this Institute, he's going to make it happen; and I'm going to lobby to get him more funds for it. I don't know whether I'll be successful, but I hope so.


You said that there were other drugs, too, in existence.


Yes, one's called DH-EA:


What does that purport to do?

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