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I must have been. I can't remember anything about it. And then at some point I had nurses, and I decided to get up out of bed and to look for a chair that I thought was there and a table that had been next to me had been taken away, and I fell and broke my ankle. Isn't that terrible? So then that had to be taken care of, and that took a long time to get over. I'm not over it perfectly yet.
Were you in a cast?
Yes, several times, several casts. It finally got taken off this winter or early spring, and it took me a long time to do such walking as I do now. They say that they were very anxious about me in the beginning. I don't really know why, I must find out, because I don't have high blood pressure. I must have had high blood pressure at that moment for some obscure reason.
I never was conscious that you were concerned about high blood pressure.
No, and I don't want to have it now.
Well, when I heard about it, I was a little concerned. You had told me last year -- and this was in August -- that you were taking this medicine or this experimental medicine that had to do with aging, and I wondered if that could have been a bad thing.
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