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or where they had some state money, but actually the truth is that the big thrust forward has been made as a result of federal money. Federal money is the thing that made the difference.
It's hard to get publicity for this kind of thing unless it's fresh news. I can do a summary of what major drugs have been developed in the last fifteen years and Just attach it.
I think that would be very useful, really. How long has this particular drug been under research in this country?
Atramid? Well, it's been in the drug trial about a year, maybe a -- oh, it's been about a year.
You said in connection with it that the Senate appropriation for additional --
-- for primary prevention trial was --
-- you said half of it was intended to be used with women.
yes. currently there's no trial with women either here or abroad.
Is there a difference in how this disease --?
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