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John B. OakesJohn B. Oakes
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people contribute editorials, almost always at my request. In other words, I will go to various people in the building and ask them to write on subjects that they themselves are especially competent in. Not every day, by any means, but I do it when the occasion arrives. And we are fortunate in the Times in having a lot of people who are experts in a lot of different subjects.

For instance, for an art subject-and I try to get that kind of thing into the page whenever I can-I would naturally call on Mr. [John E.] Canaday, our art critic, or possibly on a woman who is not actually on the Times staff but does a great deal of writing for the Times and, therefore, is more or less, at least attached to the Times staff. I try, almost without exception-although there are exceptions-to limit my requests to Times people. I don't like to go outside the Times for editorials, although, as I say, there are occasional exceptions, but really quite rare. Only in one field do I make a normal exception of that.

The men who write for the Editorial Board have this as their primary job, but I am encouraged and glad that a number of them do a lot of writing for other parts of the Times, too, such as the magazine or the “Review of the Week,” or occasionally outside writing. I think that's a good thing, as long as it doesn't interfere with their primary job of editorial writing.


There are some very, very important editorials which, I suppose, are exceptions to the general rule of how it is done. For instance, the endorsement of a Presidential candidate.


Oh, yes.

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