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Part: 1234 Session: 1234 Page 152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187 of 512
Well, requiring deposit legislation, the idea of which, of course, was to prevent this awful litter problem that we all are familiar with all over the roadways, and also to encourage recycling. For a while, we didn't run anything on that, and I remember that as one of the few areas in which Punch really interfered. I'm afraid he was unduly influenced by the fact that, for a while, we had as one of the board directors of the Times the president of a major canning -
Who was that?
American Can. Yes, Bill May.
Oh, yes. He was a director?
He was a director of the Times, which raises another question, that I always felt that the Times should not have, on its board of directors, people who had direct industrial or banking connections.
This didn't relate to your feeling that somebody planted a bug in Punch's ear that the editorial page was anti-business?
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