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Center Bibliography




Measurement Tools

Compiled by Dr. Edward J Mullen, Willma & Albert Musher Chair Professor for Life Betterment through Science & Technology, Columbia University in the City of New York


National Long Term Care Survey (NLTCS)

Durham, NC

The National Long Term Care Survey is funded through a Cooperative Agreement (2 U01 AG0007198) between the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and Duke University.  It is a longitudinal survey designed to study changes in the health and functional status of older Americans (aged 65+).  It also tracks health expenditures, Medicare service use, and the availability of personal, family, and community resources for caregiving.  Questionnaires on these constructs are available for download via the NLTCS website. The survey began in 1982, and follow-up surveys were conducted in 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, and 2004. 


Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute - Screening & Assessment Database

Seattle, WA

This database is intended to help clinicians and researchers find instruments used for screening and assessment of substance use and substance use disorders. Some instruments are in the public domain and can be freely downloaded from the web; others can only be obtained from the copyright holder.


Assessment Systems/Resources, Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University

Fort Worth, TX

The Institute of Behavioral Research offers a variety of comprehensive assessment instruments for research and clinical applications across multiple treatment settings as well as specially adapted versions for particular treatment settings (e.g., residential and outpatient). All are founded conceptually on the TCU Models for Treatment Process and for Program Change. Key measurement domains have been extracted based on research findings to create the "clinically-friendly" set of core assessments. Copyright and terms of use apply; however, all can be downloaded and used without cost for non-profit purposes.


Buros Institute of Mental Measurements

Lincoln, NE

The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements has worked for more than 65 years to serve the public interest and advance the field of measurement. By providing professional assistance, expertise, and information to users of commercially published tests, the Institute promotes meaningful and appropriate test selection, utilization, and practice. The Buros Institute encourages improved test development and measurement research through thoughtful, critical analysis of measurement instruments and the promotion of an open dialogue regarding contemporary measurement issues.


Cancer Prevention Research Center (CPRC), University of Rhode Island

Kingston, RI

Here you can find the psychological measures that have been developed at the CPRC. All measures are copyright Cancer Prevention Research Center, 1991. Dr. James O. Prochaska, Director of the CPRC, is pleased to extend his permission for you to use the Transtheoretical Model-based measures available on this website for research purposes only, provided that the appropriate citation is referenced.


Center for AIDS Prevention Studies Instruments

Los Angeles, CA

The following surveys have been designed and tested by CAPS scientists and are made available for use by HIV prevention program planners and designers.


Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Toronto, Ontario

Admission and Discharge Criteria and Assessment Tools (ADAT) is a comprehensive approach to establishing an initial treatment plan which identifies the most appropriate level and intensity of care for a client entering Ontario's addictions treatment system. This website provides free access to several clinical standardized tools.


Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) Instrument Bank Directory

Los Angeles, CA

The CHIPS Instrument Bank Directory is a central location where assessment instruments used for HIV and behavioral research projects are stored and documented. Many of the Center’s projects share assessment measures (e.g. HIV knowledge, mental health, quality of life).


Comorbidity and Addictions Center (CAC) Measures Collection, George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University

St. Louis, MO

The CAC Measures Collection houses a variety of measures on health, mental health, and substance abuse-related outcomes.


International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)

Eugene, OR

This IPIP website is intended to provide rapid access to measures of individual differences, all in the public domain, to be developed conjointly among scientists worldwide.


Measurement Group

Culver City, CA

The Measurement Group specializes in the application of scientific methods of program evaluation to help health and social services programs document their activities and programs, record outcomes, assure the quality of their services, and improve quality.


National Center for PTSD - Department of Veteran Affairs

Washington, DC

The National Center for PTSD provides information on many assessment instruments used to measure trauma exposure and PTSD. Information on measures is available to everyone. However, the measures themselves are only available to qualified mental health professionals and researchers. We distribute measures developed by NCPTSD staff, and other measures can be obtained by contacting listed sources. Provided for each measure: 1) Descriptions 2) References 3) Contacts 4) Sample Items


National Electronic Library for Health - Mental Health

London, England

The NeLMH provides a comprehensive list of resources on mental health and related issues. The site is primarily aimed at mental health professionals, although we also feature a considerable amount of information relevant to primary care professionals, health care managers, social care professionals, prison service staff, caregivers and mental health service users and survivors. Each mental health condition contains information on diagnosis, assessment, and treatment.


Project Cork, Dartmouth Medical School

Norwich, VT

Project Cork provides access to 10 different screening tests. A chart with characteristics of each for easy comparison. Some tests are alcohol specific others cover alcohol and other drugs. Some are designed for self-administration and others for use in clinical interviews. Some are intended for special populations. One has been validated in diverse populations. Each test is accompanied by instructions for scoring, basic references and a link to a current bibliography. A copy of each test is available in pdf format for duplication to use in clinical settings. Additionally, the website provides a list of clinical tools that were developed as part of several training programs conducted by Project Cork at Dartmouth Medical School.


Psychological Measures for Asian American Populations

New York, NY

Dr. Marianne Yoshioka developed this site as a resource for practitioners and researchers working with Asian and Pacific Islander populations.


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