Columbia Undergraduate Psychology Society

About the Club

About the Club

Mission Statement

We are a society for current psychology majors and those who may be interested in the field. We plan to have lectures delivered by Columbia professors on their different areas of expertise, help with major related questions, and social events.

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History of the Club.

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Columbia Undergraduate Psychology Society Constitution



The Columbia Undergraduate Psychology Society’s intention is to facilitate undergraduates in the pursuit of learning psychology as a major, concentration, or interest. We also intend to provide events outside of strict academics to bring together those with a love for psychology through various extracurricular activities.


Article I -- Name

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Columbia Undergraduate Psychology Society, hereafter referred to as CU Psych Society.

Section 2. The officers of CU Psych Society shall make up the Executive Board of CU Psych Society, hereafter referred to as the‘Board’.


Article II -- Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be to provide help to those with an interest in psychology in their pursuit of academic goals, as well as to provide extracurricular events related to psychology.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall oversee meetings and the planning of events. It shall also control the mailing list.


Article III -- Membership

Section 1. The general body of the organization must be comprised of at least two-thirds CC and SEAS students. The specific requirements of membership are attendance at bi-weekly meetings. If a member misses more than 5 meetings, his or her membership shall be reevaluated.

Section 2. The privileges and responsibilities of membership are attendance at bi-weekly meetings and participation in the planning of events. Members are also included on the mailing list, through which they find out important information about the activities of the club as well as the psychology department.

Section 3. Membership may be revoked by the Executive Board by a unanimous vote, due to failure to meet the minimum requirements for membership.


Article IV – Meetings and Procedures

Section 1. Regularly scheduled meetings will be held bi-weekly. Any member of the Executive Board may call a meeting.

Section 2. Any member may suggest a policy change to the Executive Board. If the Board decides by a majority vote that the policy is worth discussion, it will be brought before the entire group. If two-thirds of the group votes for the policy, it will be passed. The vote will be anonymous, done with paper and pencil, and will be counted by the Vice-President.


Article V -- Officers

Section 1. The organization shall have the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Anyone can nominate a candidate. Elections are held annually, in a top-down method, wherein anyone who loses the vote for a higher position can still run for a lower one. Those nominated can give a brief speech before the entire group. The vote will be done anonymously, with paper and pencil, and will be counted by both the outgoing President and the outgoing Vice-President. Any existing undergraduate member is eligible to hold office.

Section 2. The duties of these officers shall be as follows: the President is responsible for managing the mailing list, as well as sending out reminders of meetings and events. He/she is also responsible for overseeing all meetings and events. The Vice-President is responsible for assisting the President in all aforementioned duties, as well as taking the place of the President in his/her absence. The Secretary is responsible for taking the minutes for all meetings, as well as keeping a written record of all group activities. The Treasurer is responsible for handling all funds, documenting any expenses, managing the budget, and attaining any reimbursements necessary.

Section 3. The length of a term is one year. There is no limit on the number of terms an officer may hold.

Section 4. Only members who are undergraduate students in Columbia College or the School of Engineering and Applied Science may hold the position of President or Treasurer. No single member may be BOTH the President and Treasurer simultaneously.


Article VI – Electing, Appointing, and Removing Officers

Section 1. Organizational elections must take place at least once per year.

Section 2. Anyone can nominate a candidate. Elections are held in a top-down method, wherein anyone who loses the vote for a higher position can still run for a lower one. Those nominated can give a brief speech before the entire group. The vote will be done anonymously, with paper and pencil, and will be counted by both the outgoing President and the outgoing Vice-President.

Section 3. The members of the Board may be impeached and removed by the membership. Grounds for impeachment are failure to meet the requirements of the position. Impeachment occurs when any member of the general body or Executive Board makes a motion to call for an impeachment. The general body must vote to impeach by a two-thirds majority. A date will then be set, one week from the impeachment, to conduct a removal hearing. Both the accusing member and the impeached Board member will present their case at this hearing, and removal will then be voted upon. It will take a two-thirds vote to remove a Board member.

Section 4. In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, a new election will be held for the vacant position within one week of that vacancy, in the same method as any other election. If another Executive Board member is voted to replace the vacant role, a vote will be held to fill his or her position as well. In the meantime, if the Presidency is vacated, the Vice-President will assume the duties of both positions. If the Vice-Presidency is vacated, the President will assume the duties of both positions. If the Secretary position is vacated, the Treasurer will assume both positions. If the Treasurer position is vacated, the Secretary will assume both positions.


Article VII -- Committees

There will be no committees in this organization.


Article VIII – By-Laws

Section 1. By-Laws of the organization shall be established and altered by a draft being written by the Executive Board, and voted upon by the general membership. A two-thirds vote will implement the proposed By-Law.

Section 2. By-Laws of the Board shall be established and altered by a draft being written by the Executive Board, and voted upon by the general membership. A two-thirds vote will implement the proposed By-Law.


Article IX – Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments can be proposed by any member. A formal amendment will be drafted by the proposing member and the Executive Board. The proposed amendment will be voted upon by the general membership. A two-thirds vote will implement the proposed amendment.


Article X -- Ratification

This constitution shall be established by a vote of a three-fourths majority of the membership of this organization.

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Columbia Undergraduate Psychology Society ©2004