We , the members of the Thai Students Association, in establishing this organization and the Constitution, unify to form a collective entity, whose express purposes are to provide a support network for its members and to foster an awareness and an appreciation of Thai culture and heritage. |
Section 1 . |
The name of this organization shall be Thai Students Association hereafter referred to as TSA . |
Section 2 . |
The Executve Board of TSA, hereafter referred to as the 'Board,' shall be made up of Co-Presidents (Each representing Barnard College and Columbia College or School of Engineering and Applied Ccience, respectively), Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary |
Section 1 . |
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide information about Thai culture and heritage; promote and foster an awareness and appreciation of Thai culture; and provide a network support for Thai students. |
Section 2. |
The Executive Board of TSA shall plan and coordinate events that will achieve the aforementioned goals. Some of the events to be held includes a Thai language class and Thai cooking class. |
Section 1 . |
Membership to TSA is open to any affiliate of Columbia University, i.e., undergraduate, graduate students, faculty, alumna, etc. |
Section 2 . |
Only members who are undergraduate students in Barnard College, Columbia College, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences may vote or hold office. |
Section 3 . |
Members are expected to consistently attend TSA's general meetings, functions, and events. |
Section 4 . |
The TSA Executive Board has the right to revoke any organization or membership when deemed necessary. |
Article IV - Meetings and Procedures |
Section 1 . |
Meetings shall be held once a month. The TSA Executive Board will determine the time and dates of meetings. |
Section 2 . |
All procedural issues shall require a simple majority. |
Section 1 . |
TSA will be managed and directed by the Executive Board. The TSA Executive Board will consists of: Barnard College Co-President Columbia Co-President Vice President Secretary Treasurer |
Section 2 . |
The duties of these officers shall be the effective and efficient management of all meetings, events, and other functions. |
Section 3 . |
These officers shall serve a one year term beginning in the spring semester and terminating the following spring. |
Section 4 . |
Any voting member who has been active for at least one semester prior to election may be eligible for office. |
Article VI - Electing, Appointing, and Removing Officers |
Section 1 . |
Elections will be held annually 2 weeks prior to the termination of the fall semester. |
Section 2 . |
Any voting member wishing to run for office must have 2 nominations from the membership. |
Section 3 . |
Candidates who receive majority of the votes from the membership will be elected to the office which he or she is running for. |
Section 4 . |
The Executive Board holds the right to appoint any voting member to a vacant office. |
Section 5 . |
In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected officer, the Executive Board will temporarily appoint a voting member to the office until the next election. |
Section 6 . |
An Executive Board member may be impeached by a 2/3 vote of the membership if he or she consistently neglects the responsibilities of the Board and/or engages in behavior or activities that is disruptive or destructive to the existence of the TSA. |
Article VII - Amendments to the Constitution |
Section 1 . |
The Constitution and the above articles are no means exhaustive, complete, or final, and are subject to addendum and amendment. |
Section 2 . |
Addendum's and amendments to the Constitution may be proposed in writing by any member or the Executive Board. |
Section 3 . |
Addendum and amendments to the Constitution require a unanimous consensus within the Executive Board or a 2/3 vote of the entire voting membership. |
Article VIII - Ratification |
This Constitution shall be established by a vote of a 3/4 majority of the entire voting membership. |