fed: Columbia's subversive newspaper
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From the Middle School Issue (Dec 2000):


To the Feditors:
I found the point/conterpoint regarding Israeli/Palestinian relations in theActivism Issue (16.4) to be a departure from the standard of good taste of which you have always been my touchstone. I am surprised that the same writers which I so admired for their apt mockeries of Professor Said's stone throwing would publish something which I would think more likely to come from Said's own pen. To portray the Israelis as agressively attacking the Palestinian lambs, though a position admired on this campus for reasons I cannot fathom, is factually untenable.

Whether or not you consider Israel's retaliations (for example, last week's Israeli response to the Palestinian terrorist bombing of an Israeli schoolbus) to be appropriate or excessive, portraying the Palestinians as blameless is a witless lapse in the good judgement that I had come to expect from you.

Please publish the name and campus address of the author of that piece so that I can rally and organize the appropriate auto-da-fe.


Your letter shows, at least, that you are quick enough to recognize The Fed's role as guardian of good taste on a campus that typically publishes, like, so much trash. But, as for the Point/Counterpoint, I am still trying to track down the family of our foreign correspondent who submitted it as a forerunner to a lengthy piece that was to be published in this issue. She died violently after a suicide bomber, disguised as a huge cinnamon babka, infiltrated an Israeli wedding party she was attending. I will send on her parents' address when I get it myself so you can on send your condolences and lawsuit. -Anna

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