Banana Split

Banana Split Photo
Photo courtesy of Banana Split, © 1991 Kip Fulbeck/Seaweed Productions

Genre: Documentary/Experimental
Ethnicity: General Asian American
Themes: Gender and Sexuality, Identity/Representation
Date: 1991
Running Time: 37 min.
Director/Producer: Kip Fullbeck
Center for Asian American Media (formerly NAATA)
College/Institution: $125 Purchase/$50 Rental

Video Data Bank
112 S. Michigan Av. , Chicago, Il. 60603
Fax: 312.541.8073, Tel: 312.345.3550
This experimental video explores identity and biracial ethnicity issues, focusing on Fulbeck’s parents’ relationship with each other and their respective acclimations and rejections of each others’ cultures.  Through interwoven narratives and media clips, this video also addresses ethnic dating patterns and stereotypes of Asian American men. (Courtesy of the Center for Asian American Media)

Calvin Ahlgren, "Asian American Experience Unreeled," San Francisco Chronicle. March 8 1992.

Supplementary Materials
Kip Fulbeck

The director’s website includes biographical information and information on the Hapa Project and Fulbeck’s films and books.
Articles about Fulbeck and his work

Ito, Robert.  "Self-Inflicted Paper Cuts."  AsianWeek.  May 11-17, 2001.


Banana Split
was included in the Spring 2000 course "Sociological Perspectives on Asian Americans" taught by Satomi Furuichi at the University of Texas at Austin (see 4/12 for the film and accompanying readings)

Asian American Filmography ExEAS