Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business Photo
Photo courtesy of Farallon Films

Genre: Documentary
Ethnicity: Japanese American
Themes: History, Political/Legal Issues (Activism),
War & Military Service (Japanese Internment)
Date: 1986
Running Time: 58 min.
Director/Producer: Steven Okazaki
Center for Asian American Media (formerly NAATA)
College/Institution: $175 Purchase/$50 Rental
K-12/Public Library/Community Group: $99 Purchase/$40 Rental

Farallon Films
Institution $175/Individual $39
This highly acclaimed film tells the story of three Japanese Americans, Fred Korematsu, Gordon Hirabayashi and Minoru Yasui, who refused to be interned and were imprisoned for violating Executive Order 9066. It reveals efforts by the three men to reopen their cases and overturn their convictions. (Courtesy of the Center for Asian American Media)

Academy Award Nomination, Best Documentary Feature (1985)

Stone, Judy.  "New Look at Internment of Japanese Americans."  San Francisco Chronicle.  February 21, 1985.

Thomas, Kevin.  "Restoring a Heritage in ‘Unfinished Business.’"  Los Angeles Times.  January 26, 1985.

Asian American Filmography ExEAS